5/30/09 New Era Supercruise/Cookout!!!

Noticed this hasn’t been posted here, but been on NYfbody and rochesterracing for a while. Matt posted the 1st official one here


I know many of you have been wanting to get together again for the upcoming season. Ive been talking with Mike to setup the next open house and cookout, but we wanted to make it a little bit different this year. The plan is to fill his parking lot with cars, trucks, and bikes, cruise around Rochester/ Parkway, make a few stops, take some pictures, come back and eat!

Date: Saturday May 30th, 2009

Time: Meet from 1:30-2:45 Cruise at 3, eat sometime after that

Location: New Era Performance, 1322 Buffalo Road, Rochester NY, 14624

Tentative Menu: Hots/Hamburgs/Sausage, Mac & Potato Salad, typical cookout stuff

If you plan on going, please check yes in the poll so we can plan correctly for food etc.

Any ideas for food/ routes, please post them up!


Road trip!

hmm definitely interested in goin :smiley:


ill go

hmmm…i gotta be in rochester the next day anyway…may be able to swing by…

i think a couple of us might cruise up. no BS


bump, it’s tomorrow, and the weather looks to be nice!

Any dyno days?

Hey anyone crusin up in the afternoon? I have a communion in the morning and won’t be able to leave till around 3. Let me know.

So what time is everything happening for this?

starts at 1:30, there’s not gonna be a set time for everyone to eat. Just a relaxed fun day, of hanging out.

weather is going to be perfect :slight_smile:

60’s and sunny all day

wish i coulda but that y pipe effed me hard. have a good time boys.

what time does this go til?

was a good time, lots of nice cars, I am sure they will put up pics later on.

Brad will recognize this photo: