5 PSI???

Dude. Bro. WTF.

Just put in my boost gauge.

I’m only peaking at a rock solid 5PSI on a S14 Blacktop T28.

3 Inch turbo back, test pipe, everything else stock! I can’t find any boost leaks. I understand taht stock boost is 7-8 lbs, correct??

Is this a wastegate issue? Will hooking my boost controller up and boosting to 12 lbs be “masking” any other issues?

check, re-check, then check again for boost/vacum leaks.

If its a mechanical gauge, check the fitting on the back. Sometimes if u tighten that crush fitting too tight it’ll leak.

If everything is good and its still reading 5psi, borow a gauge off someone that u know works 100% and see if its just a crapped out gauge ur using

Don’t just crank the boost to mask the problem. That’s nig shit

lol thats why that car was so dam slow

I have the exact same problem on my t25, brand new autometre gauge. But I was told its because there was minor nicks in the fins on the intake side of my turbo. And my boost actually goes down in top end. Kinda shitty if you ask me lol.

check vaccum line to wastegate, make sure the boost gauge is working properly (put a vac./pressure pump on it to see if the needle will move). make sure the rod on the gate isnt to tight, holding the gate open.

are you using the factory ecu boost solenoid

had a similar issue, turned out to be my factory recerculation valve. replaced it and problem was gone. I would also make sure everything is hooked up right. Theres a good vaccum hose diagram in the FAQ section I beleave, very helpfull when troubleshooting this type of issue.

The stock psi for a T28 is not 5psi. Upping the boost to mask issues is not a good idea. You probably have a leak somewhere. Build yourself a boost leak tester, it’s so easy to do and you will be able to pin point your leaks.

Lol. Yeah man. When I had it out at the track last weekend, I was getting pulled by a COROLLA on the back straight at the Fabi. Hahaha, that corolla was swapped with a celica motor, but still, cmon. Feels a little better now with test pipe and a little more boost. 5 psi wtf.

Thanks for the tips all!

Checked boost gauge. Brand new no problems there. Checked boost leaks, none there. I’ve put it down to a mechanical issue, ie, wastegate arm or BCS or something. Threw the MBC on before the track yesterday, boosted it to 10, spike initially to just over 11 then holds a perfect 10.

I figure if it holds its fine, right? The car feels normal now, like what it is, a stock sr. Hahaha.

Ummmmmm, so the next magic question…what’s “safe” 12? 13? I just have a 255 pump. How do I get to 16 or so without FMU?

I don’t really want to get into a FMU and in depth tuning, just want to boost a little more. So FPR and what else?