Jesus fucking christ Pitman, comparing this law to people getting fined for not filing for permits in their counties is moronic and ridiculous at best. It’s like you’re running to help put out a car fire but didn’t bother to notice you picked a pail of kerosene instead of water.
Yes officers take oaths to uphold the law, but also the constitution. If an officer, whether LEO or military, feels that the law is unconstitutional OR puts the lives of others in harms way they have the right to disregard the law. In some cases an absolute DUTY to do so. This IS the exact case with the SAFE act and why so many law enforcement agencies have publicly stood out against it in one way or another. Yes there will always be those officers who will do what is told of them, but for fucks sake man take a step back and get the facts straight on this topic for once before posting.
I hear Walmart is having a 65% off sale on tinfoil Pitman, you might want to run down and go stock up.