$500 reward for illegal gun convictions through NYS tip line

NY State has established a toll-free tip line – 1-855-GUNSNYS (1-855- 486-7697) to encourage residents to report illegal firearm possession. The tip line also allows for information to be submitted via text – individuals can text GUNTIP and their message to CRIMES (274637). The New York State Police staff the tip line 24 hours a day. Upon receiving a call, troopers will solicit as much information as possible regarding a firearm tip then contact the appropriate police agency with the lead to initiate an investigation. If the information leads to an arrest for the illegal possession of a firearm, the “tipster” will be awarded $500.

I wonder what would happen if people decided to call this tip line, flooding it all day all night just reading names out of the NYS phone book? I mean how much or how little truth can be translated through a toll free tip line? Good luck “soliciting as much information as possible regarding a firearm tip then contact the appropriate police agency with the lead to initiate an investigation” when I claim to know everyone in the phone book and give them a “reasonable suspicion”.

it’s absolute horseshit. anyone with a vendetta against someone can all the line now and have an incentive to do so just to say someone has an assault weapon to get that person(potentially) searched. You’ve got a neighbor who doesn’t like another neighbor that’s an avid gun collector. Person calls the line and the police investigate for no other reason other than some anonymous tip that they “may” have an illegal gun, of which the caller may not know dick about guns or may have not even laid eyes on a gun in the first place(just did it because)

Bullshit, waste of money and police time IMO and again Cuomo, THIS ISN’T GOING TO DO JACK SHIT TO PREVENT CRIME! How about you invest time an money into stoppin and preventing the ever rising RAPE rate in this damn state huh?!?!

My wife just said today when we discussed this, that she is 200% more afraid of being raped in SARATOGA on a night out on the town with friends, than being shot by someone using a gun.

i just heard about this from one of my buddies.

i hope you guys have good luck.

crumo has gone too far imo. why not rewards for real criminals from him?

you guys will see that laws are not helping us the people.

i bet you will see a increase of arrests with the safe act. mark my words all your people will be rounded up and convicted of things only a few feel should be crimes. just like everything else.

its illegal for me to grow certain vegatables or cash crops in my back yard… its illegal for me to grow a tamatoe and give it to KK. its illegal to stand up for your rights…whats next?

i wonder if a simple call could lead to a search warrant? if so thats fuckkkkkked

i can think of a bunch of other things thats a waste of cops and doesnt prevent crime. that cops do each day and they are paid for it

No the call on the tip line gets sent to the “targets” police departments juristiction for them to investgate.

I hope to fuck the same letters from departments saying the safe act can fuck off, reply in the next few days to this tip line the same way. “We will not accept tips from this tip line, we can investigate on our own”

bro the cops say that so they seem to be on the peoples side. but at same time they listen to the boss or they get fired. they can say anything to us but when it comes time to arrest and they refuse they will send in other guys willing to arrest and fire thoe ones who refuse. its a business

most cops always say “im just doing my job.”

and their job just happens to be enforcing the laws. all of the laws not just the ones they choose

Mechanicville Police Department

What a bunch of cowards. THEY put up this information on their facebook page, and the thread got BLASTED… and they tucked tail and just pulled it down! Absolutly ZERO respect for them now, if they cant take the fucking heat get out of that line of fucking duty!

all police departments will have a arrest with safe act soon enough.

i know people who called and turned themselves in and said come get it. i bet the cops are like wtf we aint going there… but do they still get $500?

someone should call in crumo’s body guards and collect $500 each rifle.

I said we should just call in squad cars, you know they have +7 in the side arm and some have AR’s with 30’s still loaded in the trunk.

so the people answering dont follow the rules? or they just throw out the calls made on them?

we could get rich if we hire a lawyer and call in every cop around for illegal firearm… $500 each gun…some people dont make that a week.

Well you guys area already behind the ball because it’s all over facebook right now that the system has been absolutely flooded with calls from people giving tips…about illegal guns and addresses for police stations and politicians :rofl

Buddy, you need to brush up a bit on your jurisdiction regulations a bit and know that the sheriffs hold the power to deny even federal agents in their district.

The sheriffs are against this, as well as a good portion of the NYSP. You do soemthing stupid, yes they’re going to arrest you but they’re NOT going to go out of their way, put themselves and other officers in harms way, and harrass otherwise perfectly legal tax paying(IE salary paying) residents of their counties just to find these so called “illegal” guns.

Stop believing all the crap you read on the net and sit down and think a little plz…


All law enforcement officers take an oath to office to uphold the law.

people get arrested for selling lemonade without a permit and refusing to shut down. you need to read a bit.

[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1p7L3s_gyD8”]Kids Lemonade Stand Fined $500, Shut Down - YouTube[/ame]

these people get fined ^

yes your tax paying money fines kids selling lemonade. i know first hand

another great example was feds arresting and harrassing state legal medaical marijuna people. where was local police when they were arrested? obama fixed a portion of it but its still a battle

this too

Calling in everybody itt

Jesus fucking christ Pitman, comparing this law to people getting fined for not filing for permits in their counties is moronic and ridiculous at best. It’s like you’re running to help put out a car fire but didn’t bother to notice you picked a pail of kerosene instead of water.

Yes officers take oaths to uphold the law, but also the constitution. If an officer, whether LEO or military, feels that the law is unconstitutional OR puts the lives of others in harms way they have the right to disregard the law. In some cases an absolute DUTY to do so. This IS the exact case with the SAFE act and why so many law enforcement agencies have publicly stood out against it in one way or another. Yes there will always be those officers who will do what is told of them, but for fucks sake man take a step back and get the facts straight on this topic for once before posting.

I hear Walmart is having a 65% off sale on tinfoil Pitman, you might want to run down and go stock up.

where are the posts about it being flooded with calls?

I’ll get more from wifey, she called the line today to probe it and couldn’t get through. She went on facetoob and NYFA and found out what was happening. gave me enough lolz for a moment to mess up some carbon weave in a part I was laying up at the time :lol

My little stay at home mom/investigative reporter :smiley: