im kinda surprised some crazy hillbilly hasnt tried to assassinate cuomo yet… Im not huge huge into guns and gun clubs, just own a dozen or so for the sake of collecting, but the shit this dude is saying just has zero logic and is completely absurd.
wellp, now I know how to fuck over my enemies at least.
Mechanicville Police Department
about an hour ago.It looks like we may have been victims of a hoax! The previous post has been removed until it can be verified. In any event the previous post about the tip line was neither in support of nor against the measure. It was posted as INFORMATION ONLY that many would have not known about if we didn’t post it. We try to post relevant law enforcement information on this site when we can. Of course, this is a very controversial issue and many people have strong views on it. We cannot only post material that everyone agrees with.
Pitman, you’re pulling strings. They’re nowhere even close and has nothing to pertain to the OP.
Feel what law is unconstitutional? The safe Act?, yes. Having to have a permit to set up a stand to sell something in a town or county?, No. Permits have been (documented)required by govts dating back to the Roman empire, including here on this last both before and after the constitution was written… Again, look up actual facts, not crap on these bogus sites. Nothing unconstitutional about that. If the girl broke that law then they were due for arrest, just like any asshat that would try and sell and AR in a private sale in NY right now. Do I think that cop was an asshole for arresting a 7 year old, sure, but there’s always multiple sides toa story wo who knows what actually happened.
Combatants don’t use tinfoil because they don’t believe in this crap like you do. We clothe in Carhartt and wear Geissele Trigger headgear…
i posted them in reply to your post. i didnt quote the op.
that was a example of how a cop will act with a law thats doesnt seem to be effecting me or anyone you know in a negitive way.
selling lemonade and getting fined is just like have a once legal gun and getting fined. both should not be laws.
you know i wear a tinfoil hat?
also do you feel any other laws are unconstitional? or just that one safe act?
do you think a cop should fine lil girls selling lemonade?
ooo and rome fell for a reason i wonder what it was? too many laws maybe? laws that were not justified by the people? maybe it never fell?
also if you break the law with anything you should get arrested too. remember that. if you break a law you feel is not right you will still be punished for it
yes, and it took me 15 seconds to paste the phantom phone number into google and pull up that letter for proof it wasn’t a hoax. Why any of a handful + adults officers of the law couldn’t duplicate my efforts there is beyond me.
Someone stirred the shit pot yesterday with old news, just to watch us all flip out. It worked.
It looks like New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services earlier this week sent out letters to police agencies “reminding them” of this tip line.
Ahh, the oh so snarky Times Union. The comments on their blog are interesting. A few points:
I don’t panic. Ever.
This program was rolled out a year ago and as it says in the release, focused on 6 urban areas. It has now been re-branded and rolled out again but this time statewide AFTER the unSAFE Act passed. Why?
Last year the reward was to be “based on the value of the tip.” It is now $500 and they’ve added a texting option.
This is the Governors release from Feb, 2012 and again it shows the urban focus. This is correct actually because overwhelmingly this is where the illegal gun problem lies; in the inner cities. Again, only after the unSAFE Act was passed did this get rolled out statewide.
also remember what I said 3 weeks ago, in the srs section…
"McLaughlin’s release says the tipline is in fact “a new initiative by Governor Cuomo and DCJS that would confiscate illegal firearms, including those that are not registered but were previously legal before the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act was rammed through the legislature in January.”
I wasnt kidding. Also, I havent heard much more on that since then. no other action was taken that I saw.