518 Car Clubs


Hi HGNYPres I have never been in a car club or on car team before, I have never been to a major car show, never been sponsored by any companies and unlike slwrthnu never had a feature in a magazine. What dose your car club have to offer I would like to see what you can do for me.

:lmao :lmao :lmao

What a gay idea.


the only club worth joining in my opinion is the mile high club… and its got nothin to do with cars

Or the Emperors

Haha Yes!!! The Emperor’s Club!!

Nah theres a fee for that club haha the mile high is free

Depends on who your with.

or if ya knock it up or not also :lol

you a filthy liar.

Really? I searched and couldn’t find a single thing about this amazing club.

Let me in… I has vtec yooooo


local team

http://www.albanyriverrats.com/ ,also a local team

I like to show my school spirit. Heres another local team http://www.eteamz.com/tcvalleycats/images/Cat.gif

Jeff Gordon is part of a car ‘team’…


i dont think he ever came back to talk with us about his club