540I '95 > Honda Civic '07

Was testing out my 9500I on BQE, it was rush hour and I noticed '07/'08 civic cutting people off and being speeding up for 1 second only to be slamming brakes because of traffic.

After fork to LI and Manhattan road became empty, I ended up behind him without weaving around like an idiot trying to beat the traffic and as soon as traffic cleared he passed another car on right.

I followed about 2 cars behind @ 60ish mph and gave some gas as I was loosing more and more ground at bout 80ish mph.

He floors it and jumps 4 cars ahead or so, I returned the favor split second after.

Started to gain cars back right away, slowly then started to pull hard at 100+ mph reaching his doors with my front bumper and him falling back 10 buses as soon as I start passing him because he decided he did not want to play anymore.

I slow down to 60 and get the usual ‘Oh we were racing?’ ricer fly by.



  • Asshole in civic
  • Has 4 car and slit second advantage
  • Get’s destroyed
  • I hit 120+ Mph and did not even notice it

Why o why weren’t you aborted. You have to be fake but im bored so ill just follow you around and make fun of you.

Why are you mad? Oh… civic in your signature? :rolljerk:

LOL ok ill play what does said civic and my civic have to do with each other?? If you think your shitty bmw is sweet for beating a 100hp civic you are an idiot. Not to mention everything else that was fully retarded in your post.

I do think it’s sweet not for beating civic but in general I like it. Why are you so mad? Grow up.

You’re the one doing 120mph in rush hour… you know what just keep doing what you’re doing im sure the problem will solve itself soon enough.

not sure an e34 is a racecar

Learn to read, it was clear as all traffic was going to LI not Manhattan. Does your car not go to 120mph, small penis syndrome?

It’s a sport sedan with a V8. What is your setup for a drop BTW?

Bwahahaha :fuzzyfish:

Please tell me you are a real person. I want to be responsible for making fun of some one so much on the internet that they killed themselves.


tckline coilovers, 500 lbs up front 600 in back, with koni adjustables and ie camber plates. shit sucks on a daily driver. im on the lookout for an e34 m50 car with a bad motor, I have a spare s50 I’d like to use. I would def just do h&r sport and bilstein sport on that. Maybe h&r cup kit if it wasn’t so damn low.

i hate daily driving my car

Hah, very nice setup tho. I just scored BavAuto springs for $100 bucks off a local, just waiting to justify $400 bucks on Bilstein sport shocks :\

if you’re willing to look for a few weeks you can usually find a set of bs barely used on bimmerforums for much less. also I bought a set for my e36 off this guy, his prices beat everyone I could find significantly


edit: be wary of bavauto springs. rates are rather soft so they’re not too harsh for daily driving, but they sag like a bitch. your car will be dumped

holy god you suck.

passing someone who is speeding is not a kill.

if it was clear that you were racing, it would be a different story.

this is what you sound like:
“so this guy was driving like a complete dick in rush hour traffic, and i drove like an even bigger dick and ended up getting in front of him so i won.”
he wasn’t racing, he was in hurry. driving faster than him proves nothing.

that’s because you weren’t racing and he was just speeding.

Lmao. Great kill i guess.

exactly what i thought… this guy is a complete tool

You would have won if you put your flashers on after the “race”.

Another civic driver what a big surprise here! I think I can tell the difference between him speeding and flooring it.

But I’m sure you guys always ‘just speed’ when you get destroyed.

Did you hear da v-tak?!