6.0L Ford Powerjoke Rebuild

I have a 6.4 and love it, I take care of it and it takes care of me, once you bulletproof the 6.0 you’ll be happy

I thought about posting about snapping other parts but that is not a 6.0 failure, that is 6.0 success. :smiley:

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36" Pro Comps get VERY expensive with that kind of torque and a heavy foot. :frowning:

I think there are good and bad engine no mater what. I had a Gas jetta 2.0 Mk3 that had 300K on the original motor, but Ive work on them with 110k with blown HG.
I had a TDI with 360K on the original motor, and i replace a tdi motor for someone with 120K on it.

I think mait has some to do with it or maybe the day it was built on. who knows, there are good and bad motors. but in the end, i buy diesel because they make conversation piece and i dont like wasting my time refueling ever 300 miles like i did in the gasser. I like the tq, if i get longevity its just a bonus.

I do with Motorcraft synthetic and Motorcraft filters.

Again, when you go out on the interweb you get opinions, good and bad, on all motors.

This is what 6.0 proponents have said many times. It had it’s issues but once addressed, they are big fans of the motor.

My Banks Six Gun really woke it up and I’ve surprised more than one “hot rodder” who thought they were gonna walk away from me. It’s impressive power when you think about what that engine is moving.

When I bought the truck the head Diesel mechanic said that the transmission in these trucks were one of the beefiest he’d seen and told me that I should never have to worry about it. Again, time will tell.

I’m sure you would if you look hard enough.

Stumbled upon these. Not sure if the gaskets are OEM but as a set, the pricing seems pretty reasonable. Opinions please? Assume I would only need one kit / order.

Roller lifter failures are rather uncommon. We’ve only ever seen if happen twice here that I know of, and the trucks that had that happen were pretty hammered. I’d check that lifter bore pretty closely.

Delete the EGR cooler, and head stud it. Boom. Whack. Done.

Customers have brought us the kit in your link to do here at work before. You would only need one.

Thanks for the info. The kit I linked actually comes up to a couple dollars of buying the OEM gasket kit and the ARP studs separately. While I believe you when you say lifter failures are uncommon, I have seen it happen, some worse than mine. I don’t know if you had a chance to listen to my video linked above. Thanks.

That is rare, but I’ve seen it happen… People freak out about pulling the cab but it’s really only a couple hrs of work.

Once you delete the EGR, get the heads checked, and do the studs, that thing should run forever.
Mostly all the Ford problems are emissions related… Once you delete the EGR / DPF (if equipped) there are usually not many problems… I’m actually going to look at a 6.4 tonight.

Just about ready to pull the trigger on the main parts order. The ARP’s have already been ordered. EGR will be deleted and just having some issues finding a replacement oil cooler. The one my mechanic wanted to use is not available so I need to go elsewhere. So far I’m up to around $ 1,500.00 in parts.

Good choice on the motorcraft oil and filter good stuff. Also are you doing the turbo?

As far as we know right now, the turbo is OK. We will obviously get a better look at it when it comes off. I certainly hope not.

Just saw this on FB, definitely lol’d.

pulling the cab off isn’t even that big of a job. everyone freaks out for some reason but that’s how they work on the new duramaxes now too

Yeah, yeah, very funny. I won’t waste my time looking for all the pics showing the other makes with their shit in the air. You’re right SVT. It’s only about an hour to do and would save 20 hours, save three busted knuckles, and leave the swear jar empty.

Well I’m subscribing to this, was this a work truck of yours or a fun dd

It’s his personal / tow everything work truck

Well day one has come to it’s merciful end. My buddy was pretty busy today so with a little positive direction I was able to make most of the disconnections without too much trouble. I would say it was around 6 hours to get the cab completely off the frame. I would like to meet the pro in the youtube video who claimed he takes around an hour to get it off. Yeahokay. I was a little disappointed in the cab bolt access / locations. I ended up cutting little access slots in the rear floor area to get to the two bolts. I couldn’t see any way of getting to them without removing either the front of back seats and peeling back the carpet. For some reason I had it in my head that the factory would put the cab on and bolt it in from underneath.

I’m a little more tired than I thought I’d be but in conclusion, I feel good about where we are and hopefully the rest will go a little bit easier. Some pics with descriptions. Enjoy.

Can’t really say I’m thrilled with how the coolant came out.

Looks fun…not

Good Luck my friend

Remember the old days when you would work on the car by opening the hood. You still can. You just have to lift it off with everything else.

LOL…don’t you wish the body lifted off the Z…how much easier would that make things?!?

Also…get that thing fixed…I want to revisit my deck plans in the spring!

The guy who took my cab off said it was about an hour. I am sure once you do a few it gets way easier.