6.0L Ford Powerjoke Rebuild

Maybe so but I can’t see how. There’s ALOT that needs to come off. Hell, it too at least half an hour just to get to the cab bolts and get those out. An hour I just can’t swallow. Two seasoned guys, I’d put em at 1 1/2-2.

Mine is a 2004. Yours? Maybe longer?

  1. I don’t think a great deal changed. Maybe the dash hut I didn’t have to touch that.

I’ve done one with a friend in about 2.5 - 3 hrs… But there is definitely a lot of shit to remove…

You should look at replacing the up pipe on the turbo while the cab is off… They are known to leak, and you will thank yourself later for doing it now.

What happened to the red truck?

Sold the red one a couple years ago when I gave up my plow contracts. Couldn’t justify keeping it around. Ironically, the guy I sold it to lives a block or so away from my new house so I see it all the time.

Oof. Bad form on cutting little access holes in the floor. I’m guessing you had issues with the bolts just behind the front seats? Spin a caged nut? The guys here just pull the carpet back when pulling the cab, and it usually takes them about an hour and a half. One of them doesn’t pull the cab. He pulls the front wheels off and gets it low on a lift and pulls everything out through the hood opening.

That looks miserable. What exactly is the issue with 6.0’s that everyone and their mother eventually needs to do this?

I know I read something about Ford having to push the motor into production rather quickly because of emissions requirements or something government related. Not sure how true that is.

Nice progress! It’s so much more fun working on crap when it’s right in front of you, isn’t it? Lol

Getting that cab to line back up would be my biggest concern

That’s pretty much it in a nutshell. The gov’t stuck it in Ford’s ass and broke it off, so Ford just did the same to the customers that bought them. What could they do at that point? The man said that certain emissions standards had to be met, and the 7.3 was a dirty pig. Ford had tried to make the 7.3 meet the new emissions requirements, but had to abandon that attempt because it would’ve fucked that engine up.

More to come

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More to come

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More to come

Yes, correct sir. I had about enough of the two behind the rear seats and at that point I was in no mood to pull out the front seats. Reality is I have floor mats and you can hardly see the carpet cuts (only cut a three sided tab). If anyone doesn’t believe I did the work, they can look at the carpet.

Yeah, the forums have a more detailed explanation on this but in a nutshell I don’t think the proper time was given to “test” this motor. There are few who can speak against it once the issues have been addressed.

I’ve heard of some guys doing it with the cab on or tanking it out of the front, but after today I can’t even begin to imagine the aggravation. We had a hard enough time getting to alot of the locations (engine mount bolts and pretty much anything on top of the motor) with the cab 7 feet above sea level.

I’m gonna drop it like it’s hot.

Sadly, I think Ford was between a rock and a hard place and took the lesser of two evils. They did win a suit against Navistar and some people actually received some restitution but I don’t know how much and all the details. Even if my issue were part of that suit, which it isn’t, the deadline was mid December 2013. Story of my life.

Well here it is. The NAPA creedo “There are no unimportant parts” certainly holds water. A $ 12.00 hydraulic lifter (only one of sixteen) deep inside the motor fails destroying the camshaft and leading to basically tearing down the entire motor to almost a bare block to rectify the problem. Every other one we removed looked perfect.


This is the result of the failure:
This pretty much turned the cam into a future table lamp.


View of the top with the High Pressure Oil Pump removed.


Heads dropped at Klispies this evening to be checked.


Can still see the original hatching on all the cylinder walls.


Had to pull the motor of the tranny to get the rear cover off to get the branch tube out of the way to get to the rear set of lifters. Bad one came from the second cylinder back, right where we heard it clattering from.


Top view. Oil cooler, EGR valve, fuel and oil filters removed.


Cam out. Here it sits waiting for the new cam which should be here Thursday morning.


The good news (of you can look at it that way) is that we will be replacing the AC compressor (which has been defunct for a number of years) and installing a new power steering pump. Shit’s just staring you in the face and saying “replace me now because I’m gonna shit the bed a week after you put it all back together and it’s going to be twice as hard”. EGR delete will be done and an upgraded OEM oil cooler will be installed. Oil pan was looking like it’s days were numbered and now it will be a joke to get to and replace. Tranny temp sensor went bad a week or so after I was alerted to the motor issue so that will also be easy to replace as well. Was due for a change anyway.

Once it’s all done the weak points will be addressed, a little PM will be done, and all the fluids will be new (oil, coolant, tranny, power steering, etc.) For those in the know who are advising me on one of the Ford forums, they are huge supporters of the platform once these issues are corrected. I’m certainly not thrilled this happened, or that it happened at this point in the year, but I can’t hold Ford to blame on this one. These lifters are pretty commonly used in a number of motors, and not just Ford’s. While I understand the benefits of this setup, I can’t really appreciate it at this point. I feel it’s a week point in a engine, it’s a bastard to repair, and the possible consequences of failure could be total engine devastation. I at least feel blessed at this point that the metal debris appears to not have caused any major damage.

Oh, and by the way. The forum I’m on claims there’s a service tech out there who’s done over 500 head related repairs (which means removing the cab) and has it down to a clocked and officially verified 6.75 hours from in the shop door to back on the road. I still can’t believe that.

Well when you’ve done a job 500 times you become pretty efficient at it.

I bet you can gut and renovate a bathroom way faster than someone who’s never done it before.

x2^ and I bet he is in a nice salt free area too :wink:

Lifter bores look ok still? Going with head studs too right?

Studs are a must do.

Day 3:

Got the motor up on the stand and bolted in. Removed the front cover and opened up the LPOP, and as some of you predicted, some damage. Not as extensive as some others but some damage none the less. Removed the oil pan, bed plate, and pulled the crank out. Pretty encouraged by what we saw as far as the crank and bearings. Heads are coming back from the machine shop tomorrow and their “head guy” (no pun intended) stopped by the shop to look at the crank himself. He was also fairly impressed with what he saw, but also suggested new rod and main bearings. Cam bearings looked fantastic.

In keeping with the “while we’re here” theme, I decided to go with the new rod and main bearings. Also decided to replace the water pump and power steering pump. Ordered another boatload of required gaskets and seals as well as all the new fluids required (oil, tranny, and coolant). Also jawed with Mike and we decided for the cost, to replace the pushrods with the updated ones.

I’m getting sick over the costs of just the materials and machine shop labor to date. I know there’s some items I’m replacing that could probably be overlooked otherwise, but my luck is the kind where a week after it’s all done and running the items that were staring us in the face go bad. There doesn’t seem to be much holding up back from starting to put it back together by tomorrow morning.


And how much is a new motor?

Brand new…about $17k.

That thing blows. When it’s back together will it be fast?