The R/T just took a fatal blow

the last few days, i started hearing this rallting/knocking/clikcing/ noise coming from my truck when it got up to speed. i figured it was prob a loose heat shield or something since i’ve been having problems with my exhaust. i kidna ignored it seen as how i am having my exhaust fixed tomorrow anyway. well, today it started getting REALLY loud so i decided to investigate. the sound was actually coming from under the hood, and it didnt sound good. everytime the motor would rev above 1800 RPM or so, this obnoxiously loud clunking noise would appear from the cylender on the drivers side closest to the firewall (or somewhere in there). so i babied it over to my mechanic’s who will procede to start tearing the motor and my already ailing pocket book apart tomorrow. he said it could be anything from a bad lifter to a bad rod, bad rod bearing, or basically anything. SO, as if i am not already in enough financial troubble, this is just GRRRREEEAAAAAAAAT!!!

the thing that sucks, is i dont even really beat on it that much. i kno it seems like i do, but i really do take care of it and dont really beat on it at all. i kno people who beat on thier cars like theres no tomorrow and nothing ever breaks for them. just my luck i suppose. I found a recipt in the glove box once that showed the whole top half of the motor being rebuilt under warrantee. i have the feeling this truck was beat on a lot by the previous owner and its just starting to show now.

buy upgraded internals instead of oem replacements. (sounds easier than it is…but if I were in that situation, I’d do it, even if it means going into debt.)

no wonder you were trying to sell it


that sucks

wow and you were just about to sell it

holy suck, man

Sorry to hear.

Not too horrible,a 360 shouldnt be all that expensive to rebuild.

Everything happens for a reason,its telling you to give it some upgrades.

Forged internals,cam,heads :wink:

get it fixed right… BUILD IT, i wanna see 13’s outta that big rig LOL

karma…see what happens when you type out bad kill stories.

j/k that sucks dude

Sorry to hear man that is the suck. Good luck.

more than likely, im gonna fix it, sell it, and find something else. fast cars are sure as hell fun, but for me it sucks having to find a piece of shit every fall to drive in the winter and then try and sell it in the spring and everything and constantly dumping money into the ‘fast’ car to make it faster. to be honest, im over my days of trying to impress people and whatnot and i’ve realized that right now, its nore about practicality than anything else. SO, i’m prob gonna start looking for a GM 1500 Z71 truck thats a few years old and put exhaust on it, get an intake, power programmer, tint the windows and be done with it.

… calvin sticker, gun rack, get the plastic ballsack (red) for the back, mountain dew empties in the bed…

evo or sti ftw

:tdown: sorry mang that blows.

sounds like oil starvation when was the last time u checked happends to the best of us. i dont understand why u wanna get rid of the truck just drive it through winter it will do fine get some agressive truck tires for winter and some sand. if i was in ur shoes i would buy a new motor upgrade slightlyand be done

Buy a subaru come to the dark import side. :slight_smile:

EDIT: The wagons are insanely practical. :wink:

and so are m112’s…

i just changed the oil and even checked it today and its exactly where its supposed to be.

That sucks man, get it fixed and try to sell it for enough to make up for the repair. Don’t buy a half ton if you’re selling your Dakota because of finances. The gas will put you waaaay into the red. Get a 5 speed Tacoma if you still want a truck (which I understand. My first whip was a 92 F150 which was the most comfy & pleasant to commute in vehicle I’ve had.) Bah, just my opinion. Do what you want. Sucks that shit broke.

Damn, that sucks to hear man. Hope you can fix it up soon…good luck!

it certainly does blow.