Last of my EK parts

Another useless shift thread.

Door pannels are eg not ek

True story, thanks for the heads up. There not even mine now that I think about it.

The lsvtec motor you sold was blown up. No compression cylinder 4

Dude dont even go there. I am talking to him via pm. That engine ran fine when I pulled it out. No need to start another Bs shift thread.

Oh so he blew it up installing it?

You know I havent had any issues with you, but if you want to be an ass hole and not even know what the hell is going on. Its pretty hard to blow up an engine that I never even drove with. First the engine isnt blown up. I have been pming him back and forth on this daily. I could be like every other scumbag and say you bought it as is and disappear. But no I am not that guy. I have been gving him all info on it and what to look for. But just like everyother person that doesnt know the story. You want to jump to conclusions in his defence. I suggest you talk to him before getting in my face about this.

Just like I told him. Its cyl 4. I had issues with the dowels and headgasket. I hate to say it but it may be forcing the gasket out of place. BUT the engine did run in the car, so I assumed it was fine and good to go. I never drove the car. Thats why I stated in the FS ad that it may need tinkering. I have plenty of people on here to vouch for me. So dont come in here and start shit like I am some peice of shit seller.

ill vouch for you:number1

Thank you good sir!

if that motor has a head gasket issue maybe we would have seen some loss in compression. but the gauge I held in my hand didnt even flicker. if that motor ran for you then it ran exactly how it does right now. Like shit.

Like I said. Your still wrong. That bottom end came out of my ex GF’s running car. The car ran to the day I pulled the engine and swapped the head. I put that engine in justins old car and had it running in it. Pulled it to swap my CRX setup in it. It ran smooth tho I bnever finished eveything on it before pulling it out. It’s not like its a big deal to readjust the valves ( I told Dilan this) or worse comes to worse just pull the head and check the gasket (also told dilan that). You come at me like the thing was daily driving in my car for a year. Its a damn Honda, there not hard to figure out. I garantee that bottom end is perfectly fine. you just want to come to conclusions that I am a scumbag and knew about it.

the valves were tight. we adjusted them. not the problem. a headgasket will not lose that much compression if there is a slight alignment issue. unless you left a washer under the head and its proped up a half inch. which i did not see. we checked everything. the only thing left is valve or rings I gurantee that. im not a complete retard i work on hondas for a living.

Understood. But if the gasket is off it can loss plenty. Theres no reason for a ring to be bad, it ran fine with the ls head on it. I cant fully vouch on the head as it didnt come off my car. But it did look fine to me. I would have never sold the engine if I knew there would be a problem with it. I could see if you found the problem with it and started posting shit against me. But right now your just treating me like shit for assumtions.

i havent really accused you of anything yet. I’m not even being a dick. Im just stating the facts of the motor as it sits in dylans car. and if the headgasket is off then it was off when you had it. we didnt touch it. and there would be some compression.unless you only put the gasket on 1 2 3 and forgot 4

Doesnt hurt to check. I only ran the thing for a day. Like I stated before, I didnt drive the car. So its not like I need to start it all the time. It just erks me that you would bother posting before finding what the issue was. I was aware there was an issue when Dylan PMed me.

if its a total loss of compression my guess is either a bent valve that wont close, or a valve half melted off.

OR the head isnt sitting flush on the block, but that would most likely also effect the other cylinders. What happens when you start the car with the radiator cap off? If it doesnt blow coolant all over then its not the head gasket. If its a complete loss through the head gasket its going to blow coolant to damn near the ceiling.

Even if the rings were broken and/or stuck you’d still have at least some compression on the gauge.

I’d bet my paycheck on one of those valves being shit.

So pull the head, see whats broken, and see if reckone is a stand up seller or not.

we will pull it apart and see. and if I need to apologize I will do so.

Thank you. Just for further referance. No need to post about this in a FS thread. PM would of been fine. But please do let me know what you find. I will do my best to make good on this.

no coolant blowing out of the rad,will let you know whats up i’m gonna start pulling it back out tomarrow.

ill vouch for you myself i have done alot off bussiness with ya and have never been dissopointed…and i have had motors with the same problems and it was either from washed up rings blown head gasket or miss allighment…its not much to tear apart and see…and i have a set of lsvtec dowel pins you can have if you need them…