Last of my EK parts

Pulled motor out. This is what we have found. Cam caps were not torqued 7 of the bolts came out with my fingers. Both dowel pins are in the incorrect locations and wadded up so bad they won’t come off the head studs. Very poor engine assembly. I hope the one in your car wasn’t put together the same way. Dylan needs dowel pins and a head gasket. And we are getting a straight edge to make sure the head isn’t warped.

Yea I texted Dylan already. The dowels didn’t fit the same as my gsr head, assumed because they were different brands. Mine go in back, those only fit in front. The guy kept telling me they were for a b16 head. But I never had to put them in front before. Other then that my engine and underboosted’s engines are built the the same but both being gsr heads. Both were dynoed and run with no problems.Dylan and I have sent tom a text on getting the dowels. Glad you guys found the problem. And as I told Dylan. Mike I’m sorry for this and causing extra work that shouldn’t have been needed. I’m sure if I ran it long enough I would have found the same problem.

Well we got the motor back together runs the same. Pulled valve cover off for one more look and #4 cylinder has a bent exhaust valve. I hope you plan on helping Dylan out with this. There’s no way this engine ran clean for you when you had it. Same deal 0 psi cylinder 4.

I’m pretty sure he can explain it fine him self. He text me then you say the same thing but in a more douche way on here. The head came from Hondarat, its not like I built the head and can see a bent valve. You act like I knew what was wrong with it, is that the case? I understand the situation but I don’t need you instigating for Dylan. No need to talk to me like I’m a scumbag.

Yep he did that head came off a running b16 only reason it was pulled apart was for a spun bearing on cyl 2…only way i can see the valve being bent is for wrong timming… either way its not much to replace a few valves and i have thos pins if you want them…

dylan has chose to not speak out on here. So I am just alowing everyone else who buys parts or motors from you 2 that everything might not be what you say it is. You sold this engine to dylan as a running motor. we did nothing but install it. It ran like shit because of poor assembly. and who knows how the valve got bent but that is the issue to why there has been no compression in cyl4. All i have been trying to get from you is to own up to that fact that the motor ran like shit for you and thats why you sold it. Your welcome I figured out why your engine build sucked. I hope you do what you keep saying you will do and make good with dylan. and hondarat its not that hard to work on this motor but it shouldnt have to be done. no surprise that you sold a bum head to reckone. dylan is in the same mess I was after buying that gem of a civic from you.

Theres no need to speak out on here anyways. Honeslty this thread wont hurt my sales what so ever on here. I have proven over and over of the work I personally do on this site. What it comes down to is your jumping on my ass about a faulty part on a head that has been sold over a few times. Shit happens and yes I am trying to wrok it out with Dylan. So theres really no reason for me to even be posting to your responses on here. But I am a nice guy and deal with it. Its not like I am skipping out on anything with Dylan. I am willing to work with him on making this right and not blown him off like most people would do if it was a CL engine. I could of been a dick and said “sold as is”. BUT I am not doing that am I?

i’m just frustrated by the whole deal, i really just needed a running motor for my DD, i don’t have another way to get around, i have to borrow cars and money to keep dumping into something that has been nothing but a headache. yes it may just need valves or a headgasket, but thats things i shouldn’t of have to buy in the first place, regardless of what is in it or how much it appears to be worth, because to me, its only worth 3 cylinders, which is exactly what my blown motor was. so yet again it’ll get tore down and IF and IF it is the valves then i will be set but i will never purchase anything on shift518 ever again, let alone even visit this site.

Dont blame you at all. Once we work this all out. I am off thiis site as well. Plenty of things I have purchased off the site and had issues with. I just never felt a need to post about it on here since I work it out my self. You have my number Dylan, you can always reach me on it.

I can vouch for Eric,honest guy from what i’ve seen.
If he knew of the problem prior to the sale I’m sure he wouldn’t try to sell an engine without telling the buyer.

True story. It would have been torn down and parted out if I had knew.

i dont under stand how you can say you didnt know the motor ran like shit. how did a valve get bent from an engine being pulled and trucked to another car and installed. we didnt do anything with timing or remove the head. and yet you and everyother person keeps failing to see this. the head was fucked when you had and its still fucked now. you even told dylan when you sold it “there might be a timing issue” which means you knew it didnt run right. you should have told him you didnt get it it runing right so he never bought it and he would got something better. but you just wanted to unload it on someone.

I never said anything about timing. I told him it needed a distr. and it would need to be timed then. The belt was dead on. Im not a dumbass. If I knew it was a shit motor I sure as hell wouldnt sell it locally. It was in the integra and ran. The car wasnt fully done at all. There was no exhaust on it, So I never even bothered to take it around the block. I didnt notice any issue when it ran. It was simply dumped in, fired up, moved in my driveway, and thats it. I never made time to bother with it since I was dealing with my crx at the time. It sat around for months before I sold it. I would have had plenty of time to fix it if I knew it had a problem.

well any non-dumbass or even a dumbass would have realized it was fucked up as soon as it started. it runs on 3 cylinders kinda hard to miss. any smart person on here who actually knows how a engine works will realize that a valve doesnt bend sitting still. i have gotten my point across and thats final. its 100% obvious you knew something was worng with it cuz the list of things you thought were wrong keep being added. funny how you said headgasket dowel pin alignment timing now distributor . plus the fact you didnt even torque the cam caps. yeah you knew exactly what you were doing. you were selling a hack job assemeled motor to some poor joe who wouldnt know cuz it was out of a car.

Say what ever you want. I stated problems that would go with any engine with those symptoms. There was no distr in when sold, of course it would need to be timed, I thought the dowels were weird why I got them so I stated that. What the fuck do you want me to tell ya. It’s typical diag shit that I stated. So hows that even funny?

evokilla has a point … i would be pissed if someone sold me something that wasnt what it was said to be …

True. But obviously I’m not working it out with the BUYER, which isn’t evokilla. I wasn’t aware of a issue. SIMPLE AS THAT. and once again I WOULDNT OF SOLD IT IF I KNEW THERE WAS A ISSUE.

so then in your expert opinion the valve bent when dylan installed the motor? or in the 1st start up? or while it sat in your garage? or in the truck ride to dylans? or while you pulled it after it ran flawless in your car?

no im not the buyer im the one cleaning up the mess you sold as a perfectly fine running motor which is what you told dylan when you sold it

Got me. Your the expert since you determined the entire history of all the parts on that engine.

So why dont you tell me how it got a bent valve. Assuming you agree that the timing belt was dead on.