Well after 5 weeks of waiting for parts. and such.
TheTruck was alive. My Machinist finsihed adjusting some shit at my shop on the motor, got truck back together, cab on, etc. Truck rocked even without tune/timed right.
On the way home. Oil went to 0.
Top end is $3k fresh and new,but bottom end just didnt want to have anything to do with all the new shit.
I should have freshend up bottom end even thow it checked out good.
So the 496 big block is done, pissed. Not sure what motor im going with now but ill end up doing something large. TT 572 big block or maybe just lsx 454 small block it. with lots of spray.
Gotta give many thanks to Pat/PsychoPJV for non stop help.
And a small thanks to Sherminator/Formula Ls1 for being me and pats coffee/ciggerate bitch and brake bleeder :lol:
There is a local guy selling a '68 396 for dirt cheap. It is apart for inspection purposes, but I guess all is there. You could pick this up and at least have the truck up and running in a day for next to nothing, just a thought.
Had something similar happen TWICE to my brother and the BB that was in his truck… first time the shop “forgot” to clearance the pistons to the cylinder heads so they were ever so slightly tapping each other… 5 minutes and 8 bent piston pins later we got to pull the motor right back out…
Second time… one of the roller lifters seized and ate the cam lobe right off…
After that, he just grabbed my BBC that I had sitting in storage and threw it in his truck and that’s rocked for the past 7 years in it.
Oh… and pulling the motor out of his truck isn’t as easy as most… seeing his hood line in 6’ above the ground… Need an overhead gantry to pull the motor!!
sorry to hear that man, nothing is more disappointing than having something you thought was going to be excellent, fail, and then realize you have to start all over again
What’s with all these motors blowing up fresh out of the machine shop? I have heard a lot of horror stories with engine machining/building the last 2 years.