6-14 Shredd and Ragan

May as well post it up now…who wants to go …and if so who wants to meet up…bout 6 at mighty

Man I want to go tonight cause it’s classic Camaro night. Got a Company picnic though… so probably next week.

i think i may head up…
depends if i have enough gas to get there…:cough: jesse :cough: :stuck_out_tongue:

jesus skunk ill put gas in ur car



then ill piss in ur gas tank…ok not really I :heart: you

I’m goin, and giving my illegitamate son some money too

lol to the skunkape charity. Ill prolly go.


UUUUGGGGHHHHHH!!! It was only a matter of time Skrapper


FOR SKUNK DONATIONS PAYPAL TO [email=“ckilger12@yahoo.com”]ckilger12@yahoo.com

soo o Mighty round 6


skunk needs GASOLINE :rofl:

edit…and a new winshield probaly :frowning:

i didnt get today off but if i get fired ill see u there

new windhshield is covered by insurance

what time does this thing ends at ?


i might go, I dunno, its better when we get a bunch of us to hang out with when we are there. Maybe plan for next wk or something?

I’ll be heading up. few of us leaving my house probably around 6. so if you all leave mighty at 6, we’ll probably interveen on the blvd.

Its Camaro night for all you F-Body brothas