6/21- S&R Cruise Night

Anyone going?

I’m undecided, I think I may.

Actually I am going, and I’ll be thurr with my underage hotie ridin shotie.

Meet @ Mighty around 6ish. And leave exactly at 6:30.

If you need gas, get it before you come. :wink:









ohh boy your bringing out the 15 year old with ya?

i think im gonna pass on his week and take a break. Unless someone feels like picking me up

i am gonna go just because i love beck and i want to hear skunk bitch y we go everyweek

^^LOL…yea that will happen

bri…if you give me $$$ for gas i’ll pick ur ass up :). I am running very lowwwww

Brian where in Lancaster are u

likeomgno way! Never heard of that before lol. I’ll prolly cruize up with the wnyfbod guys again. Beck…bring some lunchmeat for me ;).

I haven’t gone this year yet, so I’ll check it out.

… I’ll try and hide my car amongst the ricers… like they’ll give me a option :meh:

i am gonna have to stop at delta to get a free carwash so i aint dirty like last week…yea Josh the good row is reserved for Empire…but if u cruise with us atleast u can park with us

Oh theres a fuckin surprise

^^^HAHA how did i know you were gonan chime in assbag

No go for me. But, I can call you and tell you what a good time I am having in Charleston, SC.

becuase he gave u the money last week

it’s cause he loves me :slight_smile:

I should be out there again

u should meet us at Mighty so u dont have to park with the Ricers again

Mighty on sheridan right? I should be able to make it tonight.

^LOL… this is true


Whens this gangbang start?

Will you be bringing Rice Cop? Cuz that would be awesome.