6-14 Shredd and Ragan

You can cruise up with us if you want, I only know how to get there, dont know street names.

Shit, id love to go, but my rear bumper isnt painted and my car aint lookin so hot…Maybe if beck goes ill hitch a ride with him

My banner said…

Gay Ass Graphics Slow Your Car Down

I guess I’ll skip hockey this week, and go to this.

ooohh…beck is going… well hotTt damn

w0rd, Mu513 5oH 15 m4d 1337 w/ teh directions…

shut up and go to bed…

ur supposed to be sick…ASS!!!

yea just meet at mighty at 6 and we will all roll up…u basically taek the blvd till u get to the sign that says turn here for Summit Mall

i gots to gets gas-o-line y0

want some cheese with that whine?

If i was your car, I would just teach myself to not run off gas, so i wouldnt have to listen to you whine.

Eh, I have nothing to do, so I guess I will be at Mighty at 6:00 then…

i love u tom

ur getting punched when i see you today

looks liek a nice turn-out we will have

ass punched?

no…just punched really hard in the arm and or stomach…and maybe kidney. It will probably be a special where you get all 3…

it will be an old fashion beating…one where i punch you a lot more than you punch me

settle it on the streets :bloated:


Lets go to swerve now, and lower my car a bit more.


anybody going to mighty after s and r?


When do you ever have anything to do?