6-14 Shredd and Ragan

You’ll fit right in

aw right aw right

Eh, I am a busy guy. My daily routine is quite packed.
I have to jerk the gerk, take a dump, shave, shower,
play on nyspeed for a bit, go to Starbucks, stop by
Swerve for a bit, go and get lunch, say Hi to Mike at
Innovative, stop by Hybrid and get Crunked, play with
EVO for a bit, drive randomly around, get my late afternoon
Starbucks, then start to head back up north so I can get
prepared for Mighty, so on and so on… Its tough man.

I know myself a bunch of people always cruise up to mighty after. we’ll be there around 10ish


im heading out now

You got in trouble for parking with the Camaros… bwah ha ha… :slight_smile: j/k

Holy crap, it was packed again… and we are starting shoots again for the 2007 RodandPiston.com calendar… 9 girls… good variety tonite… we’ll have pictures up later…

omg the girls ther were smokin…loved the one gettin off the bike and her mini skirt hiked up revieling a very see through white thong :drools:. Awsome turn out :tup:

wasn’t bad, Deffinatly needs to be expanded a little bit :tup:

The mobile Dyno was pretty cool, all I saw was the WS6 that put down like 220 at the wheels and was smoking out the engine bay. This guy was on my ass on the way down there, I put about 20 buslengths on him.

i felt special being parked next to the Poopra and Dakar Yellow M3…althogh it sucked when the good row was “reserved” for Empire

^^HHAHAHA yea.

fuck that…

reserved my ass. All their cars are pieces of shit!

I saw the guys with the “empire” shirts on…what a joke.

:lol: :word:

“I’d drop a dime to hear you start this thing rite now”
Hahaha gotta love the drunk guys. Good times, minus the outhouse lines. Props to the California Duster

Was that your yellow 69 missing the front grill?

Yes, fuckin baby deer decided to walk out in front of my car last year and cracked the grill. Had to get the intercooler mounted so i just left it off

:tup: Nice car… Hope to see it more often… Was nice seeing so many Camaros in one place…

Tell em’ the truth…you don’t know how to put it back on :lol: