6/21 WNY Solo Event 4: Batavia GoKart Track! **SATURDAY**

+1. Elevation changes, banked turns… Such a great place to autocross.

A short clip of my old Fiero at Batavia from a montage Jeremy put together a few years ago.


Another clip of Batavia where you see the whole track and the driver isn’t driving like an ass.


i love when u guys come to batavia cuz its fun to beat all the fancy cars with a go kart

Pretty sure a good race cart with a good driver should be faster than most cars on a typical autocross course. it should definitely be faster on a cart track.

That was me in the white festiva, woo hoo… the car was in pretty much a constant state of understeer, but it was consistent, all my times were within a 1/4 of a second (ran ~66.25 no mods)

nothing gives up like a 1-ply sidewall 155 on a 12 x 4 rim

oh the double entendres in this thread are delectable!

p.s. jarrod would win.


I don’t even know why this is funny but I’m laughing.


Good job bragging. It’s the same type of douchebaggery like when a guy on an R1 brags about beating an LS1 on the thruway.

Way to go.

This will be my first time at Batavia. I’m really looking forward to it!

Man-tensions are at an increased level in this thread.

Batavia is great because of all the new things you get to think about (cambered sections, “real” curbs, the Dukes of Hazard style feeling you get coming down the front straight). And it’s a lot of fun to spectate because of all the people who fail to brake enough on that last straight heading for the spectator stands.

That was fun. :smiley:

Yep, I still love Batavia. Really disappointed only 70 something showed up though. 6 runs and back on the road at 2:30. Perfect weather too.

I took a whole bunch of pictures:

The ones at the end of the album are clearer but don’t have the nice blurred background.

If you want the 3008x2000 original PM me an email address and the filename.

I like the ITR :tup:

Nice job with the camera. How did the smart car do?

He had 2 in the grass at one point, so I had to have a “talk” with him…

BIM is my favorite auto X too.

[quote=JayS;984457]Yep, I still love Batavia. Really disappointed only 70 something showed up though. 6 runs and back on the road at 2:30. Perfect weather too.


It’s the cones

Nice edit. As much as you think we “like” to put out cones, it’s more because we don’t like to pay the ridiculous fees we are charge for tire ruts in the grass.

And for the record, this poor turnout on a Saturday event at BIMP does not help anyone who complained about wanting to have the venue, or having events on Saturday.

And results are up:

Jim, do you have the BIMP results from '06 anywhere?