6 Things Nobody Tells You About Owning a Motorcycle

:crackup:crackup:crackup:crackup SO TURE!!


yep, good stuff

The stop light one drives my freakin nuts! Especially if I’m out late at night and there isn’t any other traffic to trip the light!


They check their mirrors, they flick on their turn signals, and then they calmly and deliberately proceed to murder you.


wasps and redlights, dead on


If you do manage to see an oncoming bike with enough time to get an appropriate wave up, you better make sure it isn’t a scooter. Unwritten bike rules make it a crime punishable by exile or death to wave at a scooter. And damn if it isn’t hard to tell when you two are approaching each other at a combined 100 mph. If you do catch yourself mid-wave to a Vespa, however, it is acceptable to slowly turn it into an upraised middle finger. It’s like the handshake-psyche of the two-wheeled world, and the look of dejection on their face will redeem any momentary awkwardness.

Like any club that has grown too large, it has become mired in vacuous debates and split into a thousand splinter factions. Older riders hate squids; cruisers hate sport riders; Harley riders hate everyone, including themselves. The social labyrinth is like navigating a high school prom, except you’re sprinting through it at about 75 mph, on one leg, while programming a remote control and probably being attacked by bees.

Good laugh. Never had to deal with spiders or wasps but the rest is pretty spot on.

Damn filters at work… in for when I get home.