I just drove my car out of the paint booth. here are some pics
I’ve seen your car around before & I liked that car the way it was. It was kinda :naughty: looking. It’s still gonna look good when finished. Perfect color. What happened to it that the RR quarter was replaced?
i got reared by some jackass, then i blew the insurance money on efi and the t56 so i had to do the work myself which is why the quarter and tail panel where in primer for awile
bad ass…that color is sweet !
I love that color, almost looks like Gunmetal…
nice color its gonna look good
what efi setup did you go with by the way?
Megasquirt I believe.
Car looks beautiful!
Looking good!
its a pieced together system with a megasquirt ecu
Everytime I hear megasquirt it makes me think it should be a series of porno flicks haha.
Car looks awesoem BTW
excellent color choice, gonna look nice as hell
Looks great. I like the gunmetal choice.
yea me to, if you google megasquirt a bunch of porn shows up
Thats looks amazing!! … GREAT color choice!
Beautiful car…that is one sweet set-up
is that a GM paint code? I would like to put that color on my 72 vert with a black top
no its an 05 Chrysler color its called gunmetal graphite metallic, the code is PDR
deck spoiler, or chin spoiler going on?
yes both are eventually, i am wet sanding today then reassembling tomorrow
thanks, I appreciate it