7.13 Whos down for Rockys Pizza


mighty is cool, im coming from west seneca area, so what mighty?, lol the one by the blvd?


yessirrr, the one one blvd and sheridan…

so tomorrow 6pm, be there and be ready for some tasty goodness http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/87FOXGT/coolspot.gifhttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/87FOXGT/coolspot.gif

ok 6 it is, i cant wait for soem hot cheese sekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkssssssss


you didnt just post that did u :slight_smile:


They load in tomorrow…I have to get them situated with internet access.

ohh nm i thought u were watching that show…lol

my fault

haha, i am mildly disturbed at that statement, but also it made me hungry. time for lunch, lol. its onnnnn like donkey kongggg for tomorrow :smiley:

I would be in provided they have a handicapped parking spot

do be disturbed mike, it feels good


There is only 1 motorcycle spot and I got dibs… :stuck_out_tongue:


listen to disturbed mike, it feels good





There is only 1 motorcycle spot and I got dibs… :stuck_out_tongue:


damnit, why do i always have to get pushed around by the harley guys :walter:



damnit, why do i always have to get pushed around by the harley guys :walter:



lol dont worry, hes old, if the wind blows hard enough he will dry up into dust :spank:


lol dont worry, hes old, if the wind blows hard enough he will dry up into dust :spank:


Keep talking “young” man…


I might stop down in the 3.4L Beast, I dont really know anyone going, but what better way to meet some people than with some pizza and wings

ia starving for um now i hope butch isnt lying about the greatness

D uses only the best ingredents, so no butch is not lying.

great,I’m going to have a crowd of 20 there on my opening night lol.Nothing like pressure.Just don’t order anything too extravegant.
If anyone wants to stop up after 9 tonight I should have some FREE pizza samples.

i told u what im getting

a salami, hot ham, pancetta, sausage sub

in to much pain from work or i would be all over free food


great,I’m going to have a crowd of 20 there on my opening night lol.Nothing like pressure.Just don’t order anything too extravegant.
If anyone wants to stop up after 9 tonight I should have some FREE pizza samples.


I’ll be there. Have a chair ready. The leg is really bad… lol