just bustin balls homie. my repairs have begun… see u all at the valley on the 30th :ninja
just bustin balls homie. my repairs have begun… see u all at the valley on the 30th :ninja
ok, clean your pink rims this time.
anyone a fan of open DownPipe? :giggedy
im callin rihgt now
still open
Ofcourse it’s open, IT’S NOT RAINING YET. :idiots
It’s going to rain and you’re going to pay money to get in and then have them cancel it and you’ll have wasted money.
good point but will to chance it
I’m gonna pass tonight weather is too iffy, sure the rain could miss it but I think eventually its going to hit everywheres at least a little bit tonight.
see everyone the 16th!
its official, rained out
theres always next week!!! ill be there! :banana
not on a subaru, they sound bad enough muffled :nono
hater. :lol
yes i am.
You guna run your boosted teggy :tong
i’ll prolly see you on the highway on the way back :ninja
fuck. i have to order my clutch.
You better run her too!!
did it end up closing? the rain seemed to hold off here except for a 20min downpour
Not sure, we got up there around 6 and it started poring…but I think it may have stopped… :ponder
edited thread title to reflect next week due to rain