7/30 @ 8pm Starbucks Sunday Meet

i’m down…

You all miss me and want to try Starbucks down here.

Remember: Admitting you miss me is the first step.


in :tup:

Fuck yeah man. Come.

Half the assfucks that come to the meets, don’t even have cars…or bring their mom and dad’s car.


dont be hatin beck


im at the mercy of the guy rebulding my engine lol

looks like i wont be joining tonight.:frowning:

that’d be hot to see cars like that like the old days, I’ll see what I can do, but probably not this time, sorry

I’ll get there about 8:30. If anyone wants any NYSpeed flyers or needs to pay me for the track day come find me :tup:

are u accepting payments for the BBQ as well?

Yeah that too :tup:

:tup: i will be there

Me and turbo will roll up, prolly pat too.

Friday night Andersons -> NFB Mighty after the ‘incident’
Sunday night Starbux -> Sheridan Mighty -> Pizza Hut -> GinGins -> BBT -> NFB Mighty

fuel pump is in Ill be thur

if I can keep the POS running, Ill come up. Gotta pay for bbQ.

i was looking forward to rolling up to taffy’s cause its roght down the street and my spark plugs shit the bed yet again. guess i wont be hittin a meet like i thought.

GEA, I’ll be there.

anyone want to give directions on how to get there comming from rochester along the 90?