:lol: I just noticed “WNY SCCA 2006 Top 10 Cone Killers”
i suck
haha, oh well. Oddly my best run was with a passenger
passengers don’t slow you down that much - unless it is a 300 lb cheeseburger guy!
Haha, JIm, you did beter than I did.
I improved soooooo much in my fun runs when my woman came along for a ride along, which she had an absolute BLAST. She understands now why I like doing Auto-X so much.
I hear ya buddy. I just coulden’t seem to find those few seconds. I really felt helpless on that course. Everytime i tried to give it a little gas the tires broke loose. Tried playing around with my air pressure and didn’t really have much luck.
I hear ya buddy. I just coulden’t seem to find those few seconds. I really felt helpless on that course. Everytime i tried to give it a little gas the tires broke loose. Tried playing around with my air pressure and didn’t really have much luck.
Exactly what that course was about. I only went past half throttle maybe 3-4 times. It was all about line and setting yourself up for the next set of turns. Kinda like good pool players. You know you can get through this gate, but you need to do in a possition that makes it faster/easier to get through the next one (or two or three).
Jim has cone killer locked up unless virdone drives my car for the rest of the season (kid hit at least 15 cones at divisionals ).
passengers don’t slow you down that much - unless it is a 300 lb cheeseburger guy!
You are so giving him a ride at the next SeAD event, FEEL MY PAIN!!!
There was very little room for WOT down the first half of the course. I tried to hold a consistant amount of throttle while slowing with my left foot around tight areas. Who am I kidding, the whole damn thing was tight! That course really gave me some practice with left foot braking, and I would have found more time if I had it mastered.
This was a really fun event, and it was fun to meet some of you guys! My biggest problem at the beginning of the day was looking ahead, like everyone else has said. It made such a huge difference once I actually started to think of where I was heading as opposed to where I was. Ultimately I just needed to push the car harder, and can’t let up when the back end starts to kick out.
I’ve been known to push her too hard coming out of turns and spinning her, so with as much as I’ve been trying to avoid that, I’ve also sort of wimped out on pushing her at all. I started to get it near the end of the day, but by that time I was out of runs.
And if anyone DID see her spin during the fun runs… that wasn’t me! Lol.
Highlights of the day:
Some random guy telling both Marnie and I that it was really nice of our husbands to bring us out (even though both her and I came out to the event by ourselves).
Some other random guy telling Marnie that I’m a lucky 19 year old to have parents that would let me take the boxster out, or to buy the vehicle for me. Considering I’m 23, my parents are in California, and they haven’t bought anything for me (including dinner) for like 5 years now.
I guess take it as a compliment that you look young. I have a feeling I know who that was, and if im right, just ignore it, everyone else does.
I enjoyed the event even though I didn’t like the course. It was so tight compared to all the recent Seneca events . . . and I had that same problem with looking ahead, even after 6 runs.
Highlight of the day was the fun run where Jim drove my car and said “this will show you how much room you have for improvement!” Then he ran the same time as me :headbang:
btw, I really like the WNY trophies :tup:
I got so used to the “go kart” that I didn’t realize I should have kept it in 1st for the beginning, and for the turn around. Andy’s is the only honda I have ever been in where it has actual torque below 4k rpms!
Next time - have Dale drive your car. Then you’ll see what it can really do.
Yeah, the course turned out a lot more evil than I intended, though that seems to happen a lot. But I’m really glad there wasn’t a Type R or a Mini there that would have made us all depressed. Trust me, as much of a Miata course that was (and no that’s not a slight on Bret, and congrats on getting it done in 3 by the way since I always bust your balls on taking 5 or 6) , a loose FWD car would have really been the hot ride for that course, especially for the PAX. There was just no where RWD gave you an advantage over FWD.
But, if you were comfortable with being loose, you were at an advantage, because being loose means the car turns quicker, and with the car turned quicker, you have more time to properly prepare for what’s next (which with that course there wasn’t much time for at all), and it also lets you get the power on sooner because your going straight so there is no push to induce.
Then again this is coming from someone who couldn’t improve on his 1st fricking run so…
Didn’t you run a 44.9 during a fun run?
Did anyone take pictures? My gf came out for a little bit and snapped a few but she’s not too good with photography when cars are in motion :lol:
fun runs don’t count, they are just there to make you more frustrated
Yeah, but I caught a cone with the rear tire. eh plus fun runs don’t count, it was just me being stubborn and determined to beat the 45.0 I got on my 1st run where I was just screwing around.
It wasn’t till my last fun run with my dad where i realized how badly I was driving the slalom after the turn around. Then again, I also almost put it into the curb that run too because of how much more speed i was able to carry, but thats besides the point .
I love how in the results, they have me as a Conquest; I didn’t bring the Conquest this time, had the Saturn instead… but oh well! I know who I am.
That’s because of the software… there is a record under your name and the Conquest is the only car that you have listed in there. Unless you told Jim differently, he would just use your normal information.
Actually, its the way my scoring software works, and it is something I will fix for next year. It stores you along with your car, but identifies you based on your name number and class. If you change cars in the same class, it keeps the original car. For next year it will store the car in the event entry as well, and will display that one instead. Notice how Morton says z06
ok cool, Thanks!
Maybe. I never even considered a downshift to 1st for the turnaround, except during my one coursewalk. Ask anybody who was working the far station though why I didn’t need the downshift. I was doing most of my braking in a straight line before the turnaround, but a bit of trailbraking was getting the car to rotate well enough that I could get on the gas pretty early and hence not be too far down in the revs in 2nd.
BTW it was one of those 1st gear downshifts that caused the SVT Focus problems on his first run. Apparently the engine moved violently enough to shake the intake manifold loose (according to the car owner, who managed to get it all back together and keep running).
True dat…
…and looking forward to going back to Seneca.