7/30 autocross eccn

I’ll be there w/ my Saturn…
Fuzzy, wanna drive the Conquest? :present:

Eh… No LSD actually, upon inspection and talking with Jim about it.

And no, the rest isn’t stock. It’s got KYB AGX’s with Eibach Pro-Kit springs, a boost controller, and exhaust and 225 width tires with a spacers on the back.

Not really such a big deal though. I was in SM in my DSM last year because of a boost controller even though the rest of the car was stock. I really don’t care much. I am not really there competitively yet even. Main purpose of being there is to HAVE FUN and to learn how to drive my car to its fullest.

Actually, you’ll be in SM2…

Whoop… thanks for catching that for me. Save the workers more trouble.

Ya know, after running the last three events at Seneca, I can’t seem to get excited about this event at all… Meh.

You’ve been spoiled. Too much of a good thing :stuck_out_tongue:

Im looking forward to it, its 10 minutes away, and the frustration should be lower if you know what I mean :slight_smile:

I’ll be there. It’s my last one for the season though. I’m trying to sell my car.

Ok, does anyone have an automatic, and want to let a novice co-drive?? :slight_smile:

My friend is visiting from Boston and might want to give it a try (insead of sitting around watching all day)

haha, find the guy with the red corolla of doom. 3 speed auto, you can’t go wrong

LOL… it’s true, oh it’s true.

Good day, i had a blast w/ the Saturn, but it couldn’t take the heat. Had a slight overheating issue, and didn’t want to hurt anything. Went home early.

See you guys next event hopefully!

AS class was good, especially with more than 3 people in the class. All those STi’s should come out every event.

Neurokinetik and Rushman were stupid fast. So was Dave. Thanks for the ride during funruns, if you ever read this.


At first I didn’t like the course, but after a few runs, I figured it out, and it turned out to be really fun and really educational. It really hammered in how important it is to set your self of for the next turn, and how to be really really early. If you weren’t early for the first gate, you were late for all of them until the middle of the first side of the course. Same thing on the way back.

Did anyone accidentaly start the slalom the tight way in?

Remember what I said after my first run? :lol: “The first half of the course is PAINFUL. JUST PAINFUL.” By the 2nd run though, I figured it out, and went a whole lot faster. Truly a look ahead, think ahead, PLAN ahead course. After the 2nd run, I actually found it enjoyable.

Andy’s car is like a mini drag race between gates. Sorry about the timing light - I was just really pissed about my FTD run not counting. And then I was gun-shy after that, so the best I could muster up was a 46.

those three things were probably my biggest problem today. Never got a good feel for the course. I didn’t feel like I was doing much, probably because I was slow. Not much throttle and brake action, just lazily going through the offsets without much thought.

Yep, definitely open diff on that car, turbo trannys were open diff until '94 (and some late '93s)

had a good time yesterday, need to go get some azenis or r-comps though, heavy car and all seasons was not fun on that tight course :wink:

Had a very good time. Learned alot about the car.

And of course come fun runs, I shaved nearly 3 seconds off me best time during the day by dropping a 50 flat and then a high 49. Still have room for a little improvement on turning in early, but all in all, had a blast.

I just posted results: http://results.wny-scca.com