7 cylinder LT1

well the sonoma is running on 7 cylinders. the #5 header primary still has paint on it while all the others are burned off. i ran it the other day and got out and the other primaries were extremely hot and the 5th one was luke warm. im pretty sure that its getting spark so my other two ideas are either bad injector or the rockers are cranked down too far and its not sealing.

can anyone tell me how bad of shape is that cylinder going to be if its been runnign lean for like the past two weeks??

sonoma?7cyl? did i miss something

not bad,take & switch injectors to see if thats it!:slight_smile:

shoulda put a 5.0 in it

seriously though i hope its just a bad injector think the truck idea is kinda cool. hope it works out for ya man.

If it was running lean for the past two weeks in that cylinder the paint would be long gone!!!


yeah that is a very good point so prob not getting any fuel then right?? ill swap some fuel injectors around tomorrow and see if it moves to that cylinder then

any update?

what the story …you had it out today