7 Springs 2007-2008

how many inches is 284 mm?

yeah ill prob be up there…i normally have on a blue hollister hoody blue AE cap blue spy googles and i got a all white/green board with flow bindings…not real hard to miss me


duckfoot ftw

Man I should take tommorow off… hmm… I got a wedding on sat to go to… but Sunday ill be there for sure.

when you going???\

will still have to be 4ft wide for your feet.

Got it done last evening. At first was like “WTF?”… it hurt bad and everything was blurry. Came home and went to bed. Woke up about midnight and had no pain and could see stuff I never could with glasses/contacts.
It’s freaky, and now I understand what everyone who has had it means when they say it’s the best thing they’d ever done.
Gotta wait a few days before I can go boarding again. Hit it up yesterday all day until it was time to go get Lasik. Pretty nice out.
I’ll be up there again the day after Christmas and every day after that through New Years. See everyone then.
Merry Christmas to everybody.

Yeah, it looks like you dont have your contacts in at 1st, mine did not hurt one bit at all. I went home, took a nap for like an hour, woke up and the first thing I seen was the tv and it was crystal clear! They told me to take it easy, the 1st night I was in the batting cages at caddy shack crushing it, and riding go karts with all the dust going in my eyes, lol… yeah not the brightest idea, but gives u an idea how minor the surgery is, but its worth $10,000 in my opnion. Wait until you have had it done for like 3 months! Glad the surgery went well, Merry Christmas!

no plans for the weekend… lets go

i’m going monday morning but that’s all i’ve got planned so far.

cant this weekend. heading to slippery rock.

yeah I’m not sure. faster laps of gunner / giant steps that’s for sure, but they don’t have lights there so the lift will close at 4:30. That’s the wtf for me. I think it would have been more useful at the base of northface.

Yeah, put in a multi million dollar lift with no lights… greeeeeat idea!!

i’m shocked!

ya, it’d be nice if the northface lift were a little faster… even if it weren’t a six man. i’m hoping thats the next upgrade. i’ve been hearing for years there are plans to add more runs past lost girl… maybe that’s why they upgraded the gunnar lift???

Rumor from one of the guys I ride with is the “great western expansion” should be opening soon, like another season or two should yield a couple more runs, but he thought mostly green and probably just connecting back into lost girl somehow. IDK, I’ve see that damn sign for at least a decade so who knows when it will actually happen.

A non-fixed grip quad would be tits on the north face. That is a 12 minute lift ride, and the lines can get quite long when you have beginners dumping from lost boy, the medium park, and Herman Meir wannabes coming down North Face. Personally, the lift ride up on the tripple between gunnar and giant steps never bothered me. Yes it was long, but it was quiet, and far fewer people are ever over there.

That’s funny… and so true. Was fun watching them while going up the lift yesterday.
North Face lift is way too long of a ride. I always forget until I’m sitting on it the first time every year.
And I totally forgot about no lights over by Gunnar lift. That does seem stupid.
Oh, well, since Mark was talking about all the ish he did the day of his surgery, I may end up boarding this weekend before I’m supposed to. I’ll see how the weather holds out. Supposed to get real warm and maybe rainy, so maybe I should just wait.

yeah, it’s fun when I can pull big GS style arcs around the guys in jeans and rentals who are tucking and totally out of control.

worst part of north face lift… clearing the knuckle when you in that area devoid of trees and being hammered by a 30 mph wind, because for some reason it is always windy up there!

Yeah… why put a high speed on a run with no lights, when all the people are going to use mainly the north face lift???

Yeah bro, lasik aint no thang!! You can go whenever you want… you just cant go swimming and open your eyes in the water because that flap could lift back open, ull be fine…

We’re heading up today and staying until Saturday, I hope the conditions are decent.

ill be up there fri-tues

Was half way there today and realized I’d forgotten my knee brace. Can’t ride without it because that would be the day I crash and burn and never walk again.
Came back home and just decided to stay home 'cause I’m spent from Christmas still.
I’ll be up bright and early Saturday; so far that seems to be the only for sure day, weather wise. If it stays dry tomorrow and Friday I’ll be up.
Buddy is coming in from Cleveland Friday night to go up Saturday. Anyone wanting to hang, lemme know via PM and I’ll give you my cell.

ill let you know if i will def be there. we get a condo every year over new years. id be down for a beer or 4