7 State Workers to Split Mega-Millions Jackpot


id blow all the money on dumb shit, get super fucked up setup a jump and launch a countach over the hudson river, if i live ill just swallow a 12 ga, FUCK YEAH!!



Economists ITT

Simple logic ITT

heated argument ITT

State workers ITT

Damn, web lotto pools exist already :frowning:

Lots of people saying ITT ITT.

No winners ITT :rofl

More economists ITT

i <3 Cossey ITT

one of the winners.
29yo gabrielle mahar, and the boyfriend imma steal her from


^LOL he’ll be holding onto her like grim death.

Until Wayne would smash

Shes 29? Looks 40…

Money corrupts people.

Quick, find her FB :lol


No U


I can’t even imagine winning that much.

Lucky people. I’d do a lot of good with that money in terms of charity and back home in my home country, yet live very well for the remainder of my life.