Quick draw

So I play it today, and win a pretty nice sum… I go to cash it in and i get the

“We don’t have that much money in the drawer”

Leave the bar, go to a gas station. and I get the

“Yea sorry don’t have that much in the drawer”


How much? I believe if it’s over 500 you have to mail it in. At least that’s how it is with scratch off’s I think.

its not over that amount

Wegmans or Tops? :gotme:

oh fuck yea… I completely forgot they did lotto shit there

Nice,dont get hooked.:tup:

My dad works for the Lottery, go to the headquarters in Buffalo and they’ll do it right there. Just hope that their computer screen doesn’t come up red or else you won’t be getting any money.

That means you owe child support or back taxes or some other stuff that you owe money to.

awww damn it they will find out about all my kids that I haven;t talk to in years… Looks like Tops it is

This fucking ticket is more of a burden than anything…

Went to three places and nothing, no one can cash it out… Tops and Wegmans where closed…

well wegmans was open, but I don’t want to even discuss Cunty Mc Go fuck herself…

do you really need to cash it tonight ? im sure theres places that are open tomorrow… .just call them so you dont have to make trips

edit: i just realized you posted this yesterday… that blows… if its that big of a burden, PM me and ill find a place i can cash it :slight_smile:

well when you work a shit load you try to do what you can to cash this thing…

id just call places and ask them when they would have that cash available, and see where you can turn it in at

i think you should try to use the ticket to buy something.

Oh i was gonna turn it right into a bar tab for everyone last night but…they wouldn’t cash it out… fucking assholes

nah you should just fill up your cart with shit at walmart and try to use the lotto ticket to pay for it.

Give it to me at work today and I will cash it in.

Charge 10% fee.

Go to the Fairgrounds Casino…they have a restaurant upstairs and a bar with lottery cashing capabilities. They will cash anything that is under $600 if I am not mistaken.