7 y/o girl killed during Detroit police raid

:banghead Again. can that person PROVE said THEORY?


YES. Your giving me a headache. Its like teaching a 7 year old why he should share the sand box with his friends.

Just as I dont have an answer for that example person you are pointing out on how to “fix” their life, YOU and THEY dont have the answer proving that they tried everything under the sun to succed.

Marry someone better than you to help you, collect cans on the side of the street, wash windowhields as cars drive by, WTF man use your head and actions can and will put money into your pocket.

Smart ass people by a paper clip, and traded it up and up and got a house.
People sold “ghosts in a bottle” for thousands of dollars.
People sold pet rocks for thousands.

smart people can turn nothing iinto something when they use their heads.