This is a nice write on the KA.
That is pritty good
nice, there are many more parts to that article but I really should do some work!
Nice write up!
So essentially the only part of the KA that is worth keeping is the IRON block.
All you ever keep on a car with 700 hp is the block.
I beg to differ… but okay fantasy land boy… thats only true on small shitty import engines… like the KA.
and SR
Come on, you have to give respect to 4 bangers ( you have 4bangeters doing low numbers in the 1/4mile even beating big blocks, you even having 1000hp 4bangers too. So I would not say they are crap.
Hurrican you have a bog block? if you do!! I have a race for you, do not worry it’s a shitty import. lol
no he has a sr
and ran 12.7 with a t25
Umm… NO
All you change in an SR for 700hp internals wise is bearings, rods and pistons…
I hope you all know I’m mostly talking shit… RELLAAXXXXX
I own a shitty import 4 banger too you know!
Draggon… I don’t need a big block to whoop your butt either. ; P
Bring on the one pass KAT!
Does every thread about the KA have to turn into a SR vs KA thread?
Yes its inevitable…
Which is why I’m going to make things worse and say…
- Fuck SR!
- I love KA-T
- RB’s Rule
I love you all.
Once a thread has become motor vs. motor, there’s no going back.
fuck all those!
HAHAHAHA. Ok you almost got me!!! I did two passess. Ha ha
Crazy article.
But it’s CA18’s all the freakin way.
Its like a combination of the SR, KA and RB rolled into one sexy iron block of magic
Nice find about the ka-t, pretty sure that kind of setup cost a lot of $$$ !!!.
Too funny.
^^^ RYAN I might buy that tripple ballbearingT67 from you bud.
I don’t know if Draggone can handle all that power with a triple bb turbo.