I keep seeing cars with these decals on them, nothing special done to the cars just the stickers, anyone know of them?
i believe they are like the old school southtowns crew. Layzie and them know them.
isn’t sean kaska (sic?) in it?
and mark young (black cavy, used to have a clear hood on it)
and terry reily? (used to have a turbo neon)
i think that a lot of the guys who used to be really in to it just got tired of cars but still hang out together, so they still rock the stickers on their dailys/current cars.
It’s a car club in west seneca
That was my car club/Skate crew your thinking of, SEVENONESIX. I dont know what 716 customs is?
they make custom 716 stickers. i want one
That was my car club/Skate crew your thinking of, SEVENONESIX. I dont know what 716 customs is?
hhmm… sounds like something my friend Mat was involved in… i think he’s the only Mat in w.seneca that spells his name with one “t” … u know him?
i remember those cars… but i hadn’t seen any stickers as of lately… i did see alot of cars iwth the SG southgate crew stickers…
there is a difference,
one is “SevenOneSix”
and the other is “716 Customs”
Its a old crew witch my brother Terry use to be part (Black first gen Neon Turbo witch is now sold).
Thought I could recall seeing that long ago. Never did get a chance to see that car in action if it’s the one I am thinking of.
It was at the convention center awhile back we were parked next to him , terrys a cool guy.The neon was super clean and stealthy.
It was at the convention center awhile back we were parked next to him , terrys a cool guy.The neon was super clean and stealthy.
word within?