72 year old great grandmother was tasered!

lol cops are crazy

shouldn’t have mouthed off :gotme:

shouldn’t have mouthed off? lol it’s not like this lady is any stronger than he is, he could have just cuffed her and taken her to the station.


Normally I’m all for the cops zapping these idiots but yeah, a 72 year old woman? Come on dude, that really wasn’t needed. Cuff the bitch and haul her off if need be but I don’t see any reason to need the taser here.

i was very serious in my first post… i mean who doesn’t support using gestapo enforcement tactics against senior citizens?

I say shoot em and be done with it :gotme:



That dude looks like he’s about 250 in decent shape and I thought I heard her say “well give me the ticket”. Sounds like she was about to cooperate to me? What a douchebag, cops like these give a bad name to the rest. I hope he get anally raped by Peter North.

haha the edge tore her apart

she said “give me the ticket and I will sign it” and he yelled at her to get back instead haha

tase the skank.

what the F !!! she told the cop give me the ticket an I will sign it and the cop shoves her…WOW then Tazes her what a dick.

Its a routine traffic stop. The lady is 72 years old so I am sure shes been pulled over before.

Wrestle with some old lady on the side of the road and risk getting you or you both killed by a passing car or stop the situation from escalating?

We know nothing about how much of a dickwad he was or how much of a cuntmaker she was before the video.

you’re in my head.

like 4 days in a row. you beat me to the punch and write exactly what i’m thinking.

Tazering was a BIT excessive.

Cops are programmed to follow procedure, many of them are fucking robots.

edit and for the record, hell no I’m not agreeing with what he did, I just know why he did it.

Before he tased her he shoved her a few feet…what if he hips blew out…jeeeeez