Another victim of an old driver

Setting: Friday 6:20pm Niagara Falls Blvd.

It took me 20 minutes to get to NFB from EA and 20 more minutes to go 2 miles on NFB.
NFB traffic is insane!
We finally get about 1/4 mile from Shawnee Road where Kim’s mom lives and some 89 year old man smashes into the back of the XTERRA!
We are pushed forward about 50-75 feet.
When I say we, I am including Ryan, our 10 week old daughter.
The NT cop was at the scene for at LEAST 5 minutes before he even checked to see how everyone in our vehicle was doing!
I told the 911 operator that our child may hurt but the people in the other car were ok!
The cop greets me by saying, “close your door before it gets ripped off”.
I was parked on the shoulder and the right lane was closed off by the old man’s car!
The cop never took a statement from me either!
The cop did not give the guy a ticket.
I said it was obviously the other guy’s fault and the cop started defending the other guy!!!
We went to Chlidren’s Hospital because Ryan was screaming and crying.
Long story short, everyone seems to be ok now.
I drove back to the NTPD Saturday to get the report and the report stated the accident was caused by road conditions!
How was I able to stop with no problems?!?
Did the road freeze as I drove over it?!?
It seemed like the old man never even hit the brakes looking at his totaled Mercury!
At the time I was just glad everyone was ok but after getting the report I am mad.
A cop friend of mine said the cop probably felt bed for the old man!
What about the innocent people these old farts are endangering?!?
I will hate it when my kids take my license but lets be reasonable.

i’ve been saying this for years, a majority of old people SHOULD NOT be driving. they are completely oblivious to their surroundings.

and about the cop, thats kinda fucked up if u ask me, he shoulda been a lil bit more concerned about your daughter :tdown: glad to hear she’s ok tho

I had some stupid old broad decide to move into the left lane (where I currently was) the otehr day. No blinker, no room for her car to fit either mind you. I was laying on the horn and she didnt even look up or do anything, just kept moving into my lane. It was either hit her (which I was very very tempted to do!) instead I had to go into oncoming traffic to aviod her (thankfully there were no cars the other way). I fucking hate people!

Ya really… glad to hear everyone is alright. That cop could’ve been alot more considerate for you. Sounds like a complete ass.

can you say ACLU and AARP, they will tell you that old people are the safest group on the road, but everyone else knows the truth, per capita they are the most dangerous (2nd on the list being 16 year old girls talking on cell phones while driving daddys car)

That suck, and :tdown: to cops being dickheads. I know they see accidents all the time, but they need to be impartial.


As long as your baby is ok, nothing else matters, old man has one foot in the grave anyways…

The cop probably didn’t feel sympathy for the old man.

The cop was probably trying to be impartial because nobody stopped to give their account of the situation.

I said it before, and I’ll say it again:
60 years old, you get to take a driving test and an eye-test every year. you fail = no more license for one whole year. then you can come back and take the tests again. rinse, repeat.

even if the conditions are poor, the damage to your vehicle will still be covered by his insurance because he didn’t judge the conditions correctly, right?

with that said, it is good to hear that everyone is alright!

I have been saying this for a while

once you reach a certain age, you need mandatory road tests to determine who is worthy of driving and who is a hazard to public safety. having the ability to drive isnt a RIGHT it is a PRIVLIDGE (sp?)

i doubt that would even happen since old people (who vote) would scream bloody murder and too many people are too lazy to take care of their elderly family members

I’m glad you and your family are ok!

Glad you and your family are OK…

yea id deffinatly be more worried about a baby than feeling bad for an old man with two feet already in the grave. Who gives attitude to someone that just got rearended? :tdown: to that cop



wow, that is quite rediculus, you can legally report people for driving poorly, some information should be filed against this guy, who remembers the old man 2-3 years ago in Los Angeles that killed 10 people with his car when he hit the gas instead of the brake.

old farts behind the wheels are like drunks behind the wheel

glad your daughter and everyone else is ok

You could say the same for your average teenager talking on a cell phone while driving :gotme:

At least the baby was ok :tup:

Sorry to hear Mike, glad everyone is ok.

i had an accident last year involving an old man. it was in the circuit city plaza on union rd near the mall when they had all the construction goin on. there was a line of cars trying to get out at that signal there and i didnt want to wait so i tried to get out by the party city exit and this guy goes right through the line of cars not even looking and i hit the side of his car, his wife looks at me like WTF is your problem dont u know how to drive. luckily i was not goin fast at all cause she would be toast but man i was livid at that guy. the damage was not bad on my car i just have paint scraches but the guy had to repaint the whole side of his car.

i totally agree with you the roads would be a lot safer no more grandmas pullin out infront of u and goin below the speedlimit

Glad to hear you and everyone involved are ok. There are a lot of old people that shouldn’t be driving, but if you look at the accident statistics there are a lot of young people that shouldn’t be driving too. Be careful what you wish for.