Another victim of an old driver

i see more old people that should not be driving than kids around here at least

I’m 36.:slight_smile:

Why doesn’t the police report state which insurance company he has?
I guess that doesn’t matter to the police.
I assume the cop checked for insurance.(Although he never asked for mine)
That may be a big assumtion with this particular cop.

it should mine did alone with all his info

You could NEVER have a mandatory re-test at a certain age. It would be discrimination.

You could, however, make it mandatory to re-take a test every 5 years, for example. And it should be harder than it is now. A monkey could pass a driver’s exam.

Sorry to hear, bad drivers suck.

^ it wouldn’t be discrimination if the people who voted the law in would be subject to the same law when they turn 60. :slight_smile:

then isnt it discrimination to have a minimum age

if 60 yr olds can cry descrimination, then anyone under the age of 16 can cry descrimination too

You should talk to the Buffalo Newspaper, and have them write one of those opinion columns. Tell them everything that happened, and basically embarass them from this incident. Seriously! That was quite rude and unjust for people whose job’s are technically to serve YOU!

Old people who are not in the right state of mind should not drive, now i know they will argue that they are all there but from my experience, there is no friggin way. On the road driving in traffic with them is ridiulas. The worst thing is when you see an '89 caprice wagon pulling out onto the road right into the left lane infront of yourself and then they 10 miles an hour as you slam on your brakes to avoid slamming into them. And they look at you as if it is your fault!! WTF!!! About 17 years ago, my dad was in line at the williamsville tolls waiting to pay the toll when a 75 year old lady driving an econoline 350 van slammed into him at about 65 mph. She managed to push him and the car that was infont of him all the way through the toll booth. Totally wrecked my dads car and fucked up his back pretty bad. When the cops eventually showed up, she ended up getting away without any thing not even a ticket. BULLSHIT!!!

Ok my rant is over…

even if conditions were still bad, you know damned well if any of us slid out of control and ran into another car, we would get a ticket for speed too fast for conditions, or following too closely or something.

Pretty unfair. Glad you’re all oka though.

then how are age-restricted products not discrimination?

glad to hear you and the fam are ok mike…

hmmm old driver rear ending someone. Shocking. Glad to hear everyone is OK.

It happened to me last summer in my Mustang but to a much lesser extent. The guy bumped me at a red light. He said “I don’t know what happened, I just started rolling forward.” Couple of license plate screw marks in my bumper but that was about it.

As on old guy, all I can say is I am more worried about young drivers than old ones. Glad you’re ok, but you can take your “age-ism” and shove it up your arse!

Give me a fucking break. You know good and damn well that the 16 year old asshole is just as dangerous as the 89 year old geezer. In fact the 89 year old is probably worse. How many times have you heard on the news “I thought I was hitting the brake” BAM 12 people dead.

that sucks :tdown: id be pist as well

I can drive better than you! Suckaz :wink:

Thanks for all of the well wishes.

Check this out, the insurance code on the report is wrong!
There is no insurance company with that code!
The old man gets no ticket and now this, I think they are trying to protect him!

Edit: My ins. company just called they found out which company he has.
Thank God.

Better call the Buffalo News!! Public Humiliation of the PD!!

(Although I think they do that well on their own.)

file a report with the police department against the officer…

im sure you can come up with just cause for that

and then sue the old man

there are good drivers and bad drivers of all age ranges. However, because “old people” tend to have mental and medical issues and their senses are fading due to age, re-tests are a very good idea. Perhaps, a good way to start this is having AARP start a discount auto insurance plan, but they have to pass a test first, and re-test every 2 years or something.

Once or twice.

How many times have you heard 16 year olds either drinking and driving or asshatting? A whole lot.

The problem I have with getting on the officer’s case (despite his lack of empathy for your baby, which is just terrible), is that you said there were no witnesses. The officer can’t really determine based on he said/she said.