Another victim of an old driver

Ok maybe. Either way I still think its a better idea to do it every so many years.

I still see it as having a problem of discrimintation. Old people sue when they get fired cuz of age, i guess I would think of it as getting fired from driving.

And age discrimintation laws are different. You didn’t once have a privelege and then have it taken away.

I really don’t care to be honest. I agree with you guys. But you know how the world is now. Discrimintation this, sue that. I don’t think it would work.

No matter which way it works, get bad drivers off the road.

(woman should be tested every year too :wink: )

Few times.

The geezers don’t always kill 12 people.

^^^ instead of doing it aged based, you do mandatory retesting every 10 years, and after every accident… then its not age based, its equal retesting for everyone, and for everyone who wrecks …

The problem with NY is that you have to buy like 8 years worth of license at one time.
They do this so they can get your money before you move out of state.
If you had to renew every year or two they could just test you then.