89 Yr-old driver > crossing guard


BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) - Authorities say a crossing guard in NorthBuffalo put herself in the path of an oncoming car to protect agroup of girls at an intersection.

Kristen Masecchia and three girls from Saint Mark’s ElementarySchool suffered injuries ranging from bruises to back pain Tuesdayafternoon.

They were all back home yesterday after being treated in ahospital and released. A fourth girl was unharmed.

Police say the 89-year-old driver, Elizabeth Reidpath, ofBuffalo, was issued a traffic summons for running a red light.

The 35-year-old Masecchia tells The Buffalo News she saw theOldsmobile ``plowing through the red light" just as she steppedoff the curb with the girls. She pushed them out of the way and washit in the back.

The crossing guard and one girl went up on the car’s hood andoff, another girl fell backward to the pavement, and a third washit by the car’s sideview mirror.

I <3 Buffalo and old lady drivers.

seriously, yet another reason why old people should be retested yearly if they want to keep their licenses.

“… reportedly, witnesses saw The Barnes Firm immediately respond to the scene…”


wow…luckily everyone is still alive

this is just another reason why some elderly people should get off the road…they are a threat to society on the road

Save lives… cut off old people.

i think some older people are worse drivers than drunks… but i doubt any law will be passed about haveing older people to take another driveing test… all those people that get to make the laws are old or will be shortly

agreed. you just deteriorate at an unpredictable rate at that age. it’s a privilege grandpa, not a birthright. :rant: remember the guy that plowed into the outdoor market and killed 2362844 people?

I agree.
We have all of these safety features and laws but we let old people drive.
Old people have plenty of free time so why not test them?

Old People Vote.

How many of You do?

i vote.

but that is somewhat irrelivant to this situation.

some people just dont belong on the road…for their sake and others.

there should be some sort of testing for old people, yearly or bi-annually. It would be nice if they had to pass a road test every few years or at the very least test their vision

it would be unfair to say they cannot drive but sight tests and road tests should be mandatory at some point to keep a license

No it isn’t… because who do you think will raise a big stink to their local govt officials if they get wind that somebody might want to pass a law that they don’t like?

Of course, you could create a diversion by slipping it through when they are preoccupied with something even more important to them… like Social Security. That’d be a real “W” move… :wink:

How is it irrelevant? Old people will hang a politician that passes legislation that says they can’t drive.


Something semi-related: discussion on NYSpeed http://www.nyspeed.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2336 about pedestrian safety being designed into newer cars such as the VW Passat. Some people wanted nature “to take its course” and forego all of the safety equipment to save some weight on the new cars. THIS IS THE REASON WHY WE HAVE THESE NEW FEATURES!

they also shit themselves a lot more than young people

you beat me to it.

i hate when that happens. i knew i should have stayed in for lunch.

Why blame it on her age? She is a female, and who knows, she just might be a minority. We all know they can’t drive. :wink: :lol:

(Posted before I noticed others saying similar things…)
Just saying, what’s the difference between age discrimination and other forms of discrimination? Personally, I agree people over 65 should be retested on a regular basis, but try to get a government organization to do that without a huge backlash from civil rights organizations.

the difference is the issue that physical performance can be accuratly determined to be lesser then that of a younger driver.

what You’re saying is comparable to:

“She cannot make the 40 yard sprint in 6.0 seconds or less, but does that mean we should really cut her from the Olympic Track Team?”


how Young?