89 Yr-old driver > crossing guard

i dont think retesting should be limited to only old people. i see people every day that suck at driving, and there are people on this forum whos cars i will never get into.

Good point Zero, but I’m surprised to see You make it.

I don’t forsee that EVER happening in this county, wehter it be specifically targeted at the old, or in a broad stroke. That is alot of manhours that the county cannot pay for.

the state should be able to make money on it. making people pay for the retesting every few years.
i dont remember what it costs, but i do remember that it did cost me money to get my permit/take tests/get my licence.

driving is not a right. people seem to think it is. the state needs to be more strict about who they let drive.

they make you re-new your license ever few years… why not just make it a road test to re-new your license. that would be for all ages. so its not discrimination. and you would have to pay for it.

I remember reading somewhere that a younger person with a b.a.c. of .08 has the same reaction time of a 70 year old.

If I am not allowed to drive at .08 then old people should not be allowed to drive at all.


you dont read anything but the cat in the hat, and go dog go

This reminds me of that South Park episode. All we have to do is close down the Old Country Buffet and then change the driving laws while they are helpless.

OMG that’s where I read that!
I knew it was a doctor I just forgot it was Dr. Suess!

i learned everything i know about cars from go dog go

no vid wtf

hahaha fuck that money grubbing bald ass fucktard

My current license was issued 2001, doesnt expire until 2011.

If I were 85 in 2001, then I’d be 89 now, and wouldn’t have to retest until age 95.


Alot of EU nations have costs upwards of $600 (euro) and require 2-3 weeks of schooling (Germany as an example here).

But on the other hand, if Licensing were more strict, then what would happen to Pep Boys?

the other problem becomes that its not just the old folks who will complain if we start to require manatory retesting

many sons and daughters would much rather let their 80 year old parents drive around blink and posibly kill people then have to tend to them even slightly more then they already have to do

god forbid that they should have to tell their parents “your a danger to everyone on the road” … even if they run someone down and kill them on monday, they still wouldn be able to say “mom, dad, you cant drive anymore” on tuesday

they would rather just let mom and dad continue driving instead of being inconvieninced even slightly more

so its not just the old folks that will fight the law, its the whole 40+ crowd

^ Good point.

God damn is this forum depressing.

yeah we took the keys away from my grandfather when we realized he was a danger to himself and others on the road.

Today i watched some old man take about 5 min to get into his car with assistance and wondered how he could be in any condition to drive an automobile.

Retesting should be mandatory every 5 years or so past 65

ha…it was an OLDsmobile

This accident stirs a bunch of mixed emotions… If there was only an ice-cream scooper involved in the accident it would have completed my ultimate sexual fantasy

1.)an old lady
2.)school girls
3.) Oldsmobile
4.) Nailing a lady in uniform
5.) Side view mirrors.


There’s something the matter with you :lol:


nice one Josh.

See this is why I think we should all be driving 1980’s era F1 cars…

  • if you don’t have the reflexes to drive one, you can’t get your license.
  • No more “I drive an SUV, I’m king of the road” mentality
  • speed limit: 200MPH
  • no time for cell phones, radios or applying makeup
  • No room for kids, so that distraction is done away with as well.
  • You hit something, you will probably die, so you will drive safer