89 Yr-old driver > crossing guard

so that explains the miata… :stuck_out_tongue:

This would be a great bit of info to point out when making this argument.

I remember reading somewhere that a younger person with a b.a.c. of .08 has the same reaction time of a 70 year old.

If I am not allowed to drive at .08 then old people should not be allowed to drive at all.

how can somebody stereotype a “70 year old”? F*ck, my neighbor is 70 and he looks/acts 50yrs. 70 is old…but not that old anymore…maybe i’m just getting old.

Jack Lelane (sp?) has gotta be 80 something by now… he’s in better health than the majority of this board.

How about this…the AARP offer dirt cheap auto insurance…but only if they get retested. Of course, if you fail a DMV test, you don’t get a license and the one you already have gets taken away. This way, us youngin’s are happy with the reduced amount of old people, and the old people (the ones who can still drive, anyway) are happy cuz they have cheap insurance.