WTF...Some people should NOT be ALLOWED to drive!

So, I’m on my way home from work today…I get over the GI bridge…and I decide I’m getting off the Grand Island Blvd exit to grab a coffee at Timmy hoes. For those of you familiar with this exit…you can pretty much take it easily at 55+ mph…as I did, and always do…

I merge over to hit the exit…as soon as I turn into the exit, there is a 250 year old woman in a big old Lincoln fucking heading right toward me full speed…she apparently thought it was an on ramp WTF! I mean, you cant tell there is NO ONE going your way, and 100 cars coming at you!!! Shea nearly made it ON the 190 north, going south!! I hit the brakes and turn slightly to avoid disaster…she realizes wtf is going on and just hits the brakes.

Now, she’s sitting in the middle of the exit…facing the wrong way, about 25 feet from the highway. and she’s sitting there…and sitting there…etc. wtf, so now she decides to do a 3 point turn and go the RIGHT way…well, this takes here about 10 fucking minutes, meanwhile people are getting off the exit flying in her direction. swerving and skidding etc.

I’m in Timmy hoes drive through at this point watching, and trying to put my heart back into my chest… and she is STILL trying to turn the fuck around. Now, she finally gets it, and takes off like a bat out of hell… Gets to the light and tries to make a VERY sharp left turn onto beaver island pkwy. Keep in mind the light is still RED at this point! Its the kind of turn you could only make if you had rear steering, and a GREEN light! This takes another 10 minutes and almost caused another 20 accidents.

finally she gets going and ends up back on the highway…

wtf, elderly people really need to be re-tested for driving…she nearly caused an EASY 50-75 accidents, and could have gotten herself killed, or someone else. and she’s allowed to get on the highway…The sad part, is these people are EVERYWHERE!

end rant/

omg i hate shit like this, i see it all the time. i agree you should have to re-test at a certain age.

you should have offered to drive her home…and then stole her car and liscence.

i wonder if we will all be as bad as that when we’re old…:frowning:

Haha people suck. I was turning left off of Staley onto 190S about a month ago only to find myself staring at a family of Asians coming the wrong way. :lol: at total stereotype embodiment. I just have to wonder if he went the wrong way from Beaver Island PKWY or if he actually managed to cross the bridge on the wrong side? :smiley:

I accidentally went through a red light yesterday, and coincidentally found my first gray hair on my head!

I have a feeling that they’re related. I think my head says “Hey, if you’re gonna drive like an old man, I’ll make you look like one…”


you should have slammed into her and got a new car + sued her for being a idiot.

^^^ well, i was doing 55ish, and i estimate her doing the same…head on with eachother…hitting her was not an option lol.

an 80 something year old man caused my Eclipse to be totalled a couple summers ago because he didn’t look and decided to just pull out of a grocery store without looking and just smashed into me…of course he had sucky insurance and they hardly gave me what the car was worth and he drove off from the accident with his wheel and axle all screwed up. i couldn’t believe the cops let him drive off after causing a huge accident and his car being unsafe to drive…same point though…he NEVER should have had his license

An 89 year old man just went to trial yesterday after he was charged with killing 10 people and injuring another 60 or so 3 years ago (he was 86 then). He confused the gas pedal with the brake pedal and plowed through a farmers market. After he got out of the car witnesses heard him saying that these people should have seen him coming and gotten out of the way, but of course now he says that he is terribly sorry. He could possibly get the death sentance (though I highly doubt any jury would send an 89 year old man to the chair).

^I remember that. It took 3 years to take it to trial? Screw it, just take away his license and wait him out.

:tdown: to retarded people driving

Word…old people can’t drive!!!


My grams just gave up driving thank god, she had the sense that she cant see well enough anymore to drive.

:tup: to her. my grandma did the same

People ages 55+ need to take a driving test every year. No excuses. When will they make that a law?

55 is a bit young, but i’d go with 65 for sure

I say 55 because to me it seems that everything done in society these days is done for the LCD (Lowest Common Denominator). Everyone else has to suffer because the rules are made for the biggest morons out there. So I say 55+ just to catch those people who are not aging gracefully.

i was in L.A. in 03 when that guy killed all those people. it was all over the news for the following 2 weeks

I agree with 55. But… If they’re old enough to catch breaks as Senior Citizens, they ought to be required to test every year.