WTF old people

Why cant old people drive. Today I almost hit a guy because he pulled out in front of me. And yesterday a old guy tailgating me. Brake checked his old decrepit ass. Just to see hid front end dip. After 65 you should be required to take a driving test every year.

ur luckey u put 65 in there!

haha, but i do agree. once people hit 70-75? they should have to take a driver’s test about every 2-3 years.

quit crying

oh i don’t remember seeing brake checking in the driving manual when i took the test… is that a new thing?

psshhh… young punk drivers

I agree. I can’t tell you how many accidents my grandfater had and he is 87. We FINALLY just put him in a home this year and our next goal is to sell his car. If they are able to drive then a license will show them that. I would rather be tested then be accident prone.

bryan i dont know if i would be brake checking someone that shouldnt be driving. they cant see as it is…lol.

Hell, I say make everyone retake the test every few years. Or start out with a real test to begin with.

ok brake check thing bad idea. I had a lil bit a road rage…justa lil.
And I’ve been accident free and ticket free for almost 4 years now!!!

X2… but I failed my first test because I went over the curb parallel parking. I nearly failed my second one because I didn’t “turn my head far enough to look both ways”… WTF?

I never actually had to drive during my test i gave them my permit and they gave me a driver licsence. No written test or driving test!

i think old people drive ok, just slow, no worse than asian cmu students. i’m sure my grandma could out shift half the board including me. she used to take out my dads 70 charger R/t and smoke the tires up atwood street.

I want to see more real world conditions. Panic stops, wet roads, etc. When it’s time for the older daughter to learn to drive I’m making her drive in everything. Nice big parking lot that’s snow covered. I’d rather have her screw around someplace safe than have to learn when you really need it.

that’s what my dad did with me. he took me out in his old 2wd ranger and told me to get going about 35mph and hit the e-brake and keep trying until you can keep it straight. We then did donuts until the cops came and yelled at us.

same here, I was working up at Service Merchandise up in the mall and one day when he picked me up he is like here… you are going to learn how to drive in the snow. So i skidded around the parking lot and playing. the whole time i was learning what i can and can not do in a car in the snow. it was definitely a valuable experience

my old car was totalled by an 82 year old guy. pulled out onto rt 50 in south fayette when it was under construction, and nailed my back passenger door. 4g in damage to a 2g car. then the bastard told his and my insurance company that i hit his stopped car. lucky for me, the woman behind him let me use her cell to call the cops, and it turns out she works with my best friends girlfriends mom. so i called her and she told me that he started pulling out and hit me. she called the insurance companies…and i recieved my check in the mail. and he lost his license. justice baby

Sweet. Gotta love justice.

Had a guy riding my ass on the turnpike, traffic in front of me, can’t go anywhere. Finally clears, I stomp it down to about 80, he still zips by me (i had a rental), then the cops nail him about 50 yards ahead. Ah, ha ha ha… asswipe.

My little story about “JUSTICE”

Its a damn nice day and im just minding my own going though Boyce Park. At this time I couldn’t get one more ticket or im done for a year. Now theres a certain pull off/parking that cops ALWAYS sit at. And I mean always, everyone that leave by boyce park knows this. So the speed limits 25. Im going about 26-24 because i know this turns coming up and theres always this cop. Guy infront of me just keeps going a steady 30-35. And boom theres the cop Im looking right at my speedo to make sure im going the speed limit says 25. Then I see a minivan start coming on my ass. I pass the cop and then he flicks his lights on behind this minivan. SO im like haha dumbass. Untill he passes him and pulls me over. At this time mim so pissed off from getting pulled over im about to lose it. He comes up, and asks me for my license etc. Before I give it to him I ask him “Sir not to be rude but why did you pull me over?” he says “Ah… I made a Judgement Call” <-thats no bullshit. So im like “On what?” “Well from my 28 years being in the force it looked like you were speeding” Mean while I swear I seen a raccoon in the woods blow passed me. But anyway to make a longer story short. I get a ticket goto court to fight it, lose. Lost my license for a year… Yah FUCK JUSTICE.