WTF...Some people should NOT be ALLOWED to drive!

that sounds awful.
it will definately make me think twice before flying off onto an offramp.
i’m quite capable of causing hazardous situations on my own, when other people try to help by driving like asshats it only gets worse.

I think a simple vision test would weed out the elderly drivers, retesting at 55 is ridiculous and will never happen.

Ahh the one thing that irks me (next to slow people in the left lane) Old Drivers.

They are slow, horrible reaction times, confused on basic traffic.

I remember seeing an old person 2 years ago fell asleep at the wheel at an intersection for Bailey and Sheridan at the left turn light. Someone from behind had to wake the old woman up.

Another time, an old woman at a turn light, with all traffic stopped (at Sheridan near the intersection to O-bar), an old lady just decided to hit the gas pedal and ram the car in front of her >.>;;

I agree with the elderly re-taking a driving test. That or have their insurance go wayyyy up like people who are under 25.