75 year old lady kidnapped for 26hours


pieces of shit :tdown:

What an amazing woman. I hope those three get repaid tenfold for the suffering they put her through.

Wow. I just can’t understand it. I really can’t. And the one had the audacity to roll his eyes in court?

Good move on the son’s part in not going to the hearing. I would have fucking killed the guy rolling his eyes.

That’s super fucked up.

But old people bruise really easily.


Yep, my theories seem to have a little fact behind them…

Kids these days are socially retarded and have no sense of right or wrong. Spending all day and night on computers, they never need to leave the house to have human interaction with others, leaving their brains to learn with those interactions rather than with “healthy” real-life interactions.

This kids clearly played video games too much and didn’t socialize enough.

Psych major? lol



srsly who the fuck does shit like that?

They didn’t even rape her?!

WTF is wrong with criminals these days…

Wow. I would have probably killed the guy that rolled his eyes.

Pieces of shit.

People like that don’t deserve to live.

That really pisses me off. I’m glad she lived.

They will probably get less jail time then Neon driver, think about it.

Yep, my theories seem to have a little fact behind them…

Kids these days are socially retarded and have no sense of right or wrong. Spending all day and night on computers, they never need to leave the house to have human interaction with others, leaving their brains to learn with those interactions rather than with “healthy” real-life interactions.

This kid clearly played video games too much and didn’t socialize enough.[/QUOTE]

YO DAWG! I herd you like postin’ the same thing twice. So we put a quote your quote so we can read it while we read it!

Thats fucked up. So anyone still think its not a good idea to give a kid a smack when he mouths off?

the problem is the scumbag judges who will give this trash 12 months probation or even 1yr in jail and out in 6 months with good behavior.They could easiy rack up 30yrs+ with all the charges that SHOULD be filed(attempted murder,kidnapping,etc)

Or parents could ball-up and start taking care of their children and disciplining them , and maybe there wont be a need to waste tax payers money on trials for 18 year olds.

just sayin:D

agree with ya there too