What a piece of sh*t.

Seriously, I’d beat that kid’s ass till he couldn’t feel feelings anymore.

That truck was ugly, you have bad taste.


Ass. You know I hate the truck.

lol kids are funny.

oh and beat his ass grandma. you know she did or will eventually.

lol he said it’s fun to do things that are bad. future gang member in the making right there.

I like how grandma has rimz on her durango. I also like the morals installed in her grandson… no video games for a whole weekend!

I don’t get the Briggs and Stratton commercial. MEAT?

Edit: Your not all going to see it. Just keep restarting the video.

Edit #2: Make that close and then re-open the link.

Edit #3: I can’t get it to come on again. You’ll know it if you see it.


two things…

  1. any car that has those fucking stick on fender vents needs destoryed, so good on the kid

  2. he STILL drove better than most elderly people out there

yep thats S. florida

AMAZING that parents are afraid to DISCIPLINE their children.

Welcome to our fucked up system. That kid will never learn. If he got his ass beat with a brush branch he would be VERY sorry.

his grandma can haz wheels

Wow that wheel was f’ed up.
Wait so was the whole truck.

Welcome to America. You just don’t see kids growing up this way anywhere else…this is really fucking sad…

is it wrong that i think this seven year old is a lost cause?

Do you think you should be punished?

Yeah, just a lil bit, like no video games for the WHOLE weekend…

i don’t know why we’re all so worried about him not being disciplined…look at the fatty, he’ll die of a heart attack by the time he’s 15 anyway…


" I just wanna do hood rat things wit my friends", Glorious fucking glorious.

AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH! i dont know about anyone else but i literally L O FUCKING L’D at that little bastard…i tooks my gramama’s car because i was mad at my moms and my friend come in and he was smoking cigarette’s (mind you he was also 7) ahahahahhahahahahahahahahha…wow…i woulda still beat his fat ass if that were my kid though