remember the fat lil bastard who jacked grannys car?

he strikes again

kid needs an ass beating.

found the problem

South Florida Wal-Mart

lock the little bastard up, if the family wont beat him hopefully the guards will

He certainly seems destined for greatness.

They should neuter him now before he grows up and breeds.

what a punk.

he needs a few good punches to the face

Florida <3

i wanna fight him!

micah hell prolly beat ur ass, throw the little toad behind bars and show him gangsta ways like he wants little POS

guys, he probably actually has something similar to borderline personality disorder, if that isn’t it

hmm probably beat yours, not mine, unless he’s packing heat :shoot:

lol guess you better roll with a 9 strapped to ur side


“I wanted to do hood-rat stuff for my friend.”


The kid has some problems. I wonder where his parents are? :roll2:

your right. Someone should end him before its too late.

He’s just a product of his environment.:gotme:

Reminds me of a poorly trained Pitbull.

ugh. either that or load him up with some serious drugs, send him to juvy… shit, who knows? or maybe just start all over with consistent parenting

Id beat his little ass if he was my son

I’d take a baseball bat to his knee…

The kid has some problems. I wonder where his parents are? :roll2:[/quote]
