yea why the fuck is he always with grandma when hes in trouble?
Moms probably working the Tuesday lunch steak special at the strip club and dads probably in jail.
get the fatty his chicken wings and he wont have to show you his pimp hand granny
According to Stratford, the problem began when Milton asked his grandmother for some chicken wings. When she refused, Milton walked over over to the counter and ordered them anyway.
thats just funny :lol:
NYSpeed road trip to tie the kid up and toss him in a dumpster? Of course, we’ll be in florida… so, whos up for the beach after?
“I wanted to do it because it’s fun. It’s fun to do bad things,” Milton said. “I wanted to do hood-rat stuff for my friend.”
South Florida Wal-Mart
I have been to that some one in WPB and it is so bad a getto… the first of the month know one in the hole place know a word of english…
that kid needs a beat down
from the sounds of it you spent more than one first of the month at that walmart…is that even english that was just typed? im honestly at a loss for words right now…
and yes that little kid needs to be taken from his grandmothers care and put into a group home for troubled bastards…they gotta catch it early before he grows up and does more “hood rat stuff with his friends” on a larger scale, like FUCKING KILLING SOMEONE! because killing someone is uber hood rat, nah meen son?
Need a license to drive a car but any idiots that can figure out tab a into slot b can have kids.
Yeah, I think we got that one backwards.