8/24 Shread & Regan Cruise Night

:tup: :tup:

I feel some Karma on the rise :slight_smile:


i didn’t see it, therefore it didn’t happen.

it was nice to turn it into a little NYSpeed meet. If I had gone alone i surely would have slit my wrists.

MaximaSE98:…yeah, we all had a good laugh with your burnout. Your car was pissed it had to try freeing up the tires and so it just laid on the horn so you’d stop.

lol…naaa that was minimal effort…the inital vibration did it…i should have yanked the e-brake to hold it longer

you guys have some pretty sick rides. i was kind of offended when the d00d at the entrance sent me to the back of the lot cause i dont have a bling stereo, neons, or lambo doors. but thats where all the dope cars were anyways. i couldnt stop staring at that giant hairdryer under the hood of the poopra. good times :tup: hope too see some of those rides out again.

i had a suprisinglly good time, except for the fact i had no $ with me but 2 dolla. and i coulda got “1” beer. but as we all know 1 is too many and 10 is not enough. so i decided to listen to my AA couns.
