i got this… mmmmmmmm

and we passed this,
lol,looks like an adventure.
:tup: to white castle
looks like PA to the rescue :lol:
haha nice trip!
and that is an awsome road sign!
you went to cleveland
I mean, that really is a gay road.
It boggles my mind why anyone would drive 7 hours to get to a white castle. Back home in LI theres lots of white castles and they are nasty. The only time i would eat them is when its super late at night and im really baked, then theyre good. otherwise i wouldnt even think about getting white castle.
I like white castle. theyre awsome. heh next time you go get some for me too!
They sell them in the vending machines at work but its just not the same.
what did you just watch Harold and Kumar go to white castle?
how much is a case of that colon clean?
what about moreheadville road?
i had white castle when i went to detroit last year…not that good but all that was runnin thru my head was “dam these would rock the house down when im drunk” :lol:
we were coming back from the eternal flame and my G/f said now what are we doing i said ummm going to ohio for white castel and yeah it pretty much all evolved like that… indash dvd>*. i have 45 burgers left. maybe i should throw some up in classifieds. best part about it is neither of us :pimp: cost me thirty bucks for 60 burgers and 60 bucks for gas took almost 2 tanks to get there and back bout 425-450 miles. which i think is pretty good in my gas guzzling camaro.
I’m confused by the phrase “steam grilled”
looks like someone took the 90 towards erie… Every time I go to visit my brother in cleveland I drive by that sign and say… Hu hu… that road’s gay.
huh huh youre gay… were gay huh huh. im going to nab that sign next time i go down there…so i should have it by tommorow… vids by my g/fs :gay: friend