White Castle

Hi guys. I noticed there was a White Castle across from campus. I went there the other day. I had high expectations. I ordered 3 cheeeseburgers and fries. When I ate them, I became sad. They weren’t as good as I thought they would be.

Has anyone else been to White Castle?

Thanks for the heads up Krammer. Thanks

Hey “94Gt5.0.” In the OP I asked a question. I wanted people to answer that. Do you think you could do that?

Thanks for clearing that up Krammer

I’ve been there.

It’s okay.

Sonic > White Castle in my eyes.

The name is also a gimmick. When I went there it was full of N

white castle is terrible.

White Castle is like crack but it makes you shit.

You must have a bad White Castle to even compare it to a sonics.

I’m not a White Castle burger fan, they have an odd taste, like someone violated the burger before you got it.


Just thinking about those tender little White Castle burgers, with those little itty bitty grilled onions that just explode in your mouth like flavor crystals every time you bite into one… just makes me wanna burn this motherfucker down. Come on Pookie lets burn this MOTHERFUCKER DOWN!!

I personally think the place sucks.

I really posted this just to talk like PJB :lol

but srsly i dont mind their food. i wouldn’t seek it out over mcdonalds or BK or wendy’s but its alright.

You upstate people are nutty.

i enjoy white castle

u went to a shitty white castle, most of them are pretty mediocre, there is a few that are MAD GOOD, some in NJ i think, if u go to the ones in the ghetto… ur pretty much fucked

u gotta go to the least ghetto ones u can find, then they are AMAZING

sonic doesnt come close, sonic actually sucks but its a cool place and fun drive i guess

white castle FTW but u can go wrong with some locations

… stop playing in the sand box kramer


I like the food. PJB doesn’t like anything though so in order to properly impersonate him I had to pretend that I did not enjoy their edible products that I purchased and ingested.

reading your posts, is not my job,

ok cholo


Holy shit, its a castle thats white. no shit.