87 firebird built w/juice/slicks vs. nissan b14 turbo w/o spray/snowtires

There isnt a :picard: picture big enough for this thread.


shut up. you’re poor. die.


OMFG. i just LOL-ed.


ok so your so smart about the pearls i assume. if your so smart you would know that he doesnt run the buisiness as in own it, its the irs, he runs offices as in hes a boss. second off, back to the smart point the house the live at is by far not 140k. theyre old house in williamsville sold for over 190k and theyre new investment was bought from a friend of the family who actually died. so the house is worth a good amount and well it was bought for a little over 200k. and since your so into the pearls backround why dont you check up on that. then go and find a death reciept since your so smart and patch it to the house. and then come back on here and talk about more things that you dont know. not that any of there financial information is even relevant to what is going on here. dont be jealous, dont talk, and dont make up rumors and act like your a teenager. why are we argueing about this. has anyone raced him yet? o wait has anyone even attempted to, im talking about the ones who havent lost yet? or are you just going to talk about theyre family like you know them and never do a damn thing. thats what i presume. this is pathetic.


So is nick pearl going to include you in the lawsuit since oyu have been the one who has been saying the most about his private matters?

And are you retarded? He has been called out by everyone yet he is too scared to actually run anyone since 90% of the “races” he had he made up. Get a clue you stupid tool.

i still want to race him, i dont even know the kid but ummm by the way this thread turned out he is a big pussy and a bitch


I would put $ on jesus christ showing up in an Enzo to a Mighty Meet before I put a dime on N.P. running anything more than his mouth.


You are on a roll lately.

12 Pages …This should have been locked a long time ago. This is an automotive forum, not a talking about people’s personal life’s forum :ham:.



You are on a roll lately.


i’m around more lately. <3

:lockd: I’m bored with all this now. lol